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have prompted interest in developing algorithms for
translating single digital images into three dimensional
information of the object surface. These algorithms di-
rectly relate an image intensity value to the inclination of
the corresponding surface patch relative to the direction
of illumination. Such methods are called 'shape from
shading’ or ’photoclinometry’ and have been pioneered
by Rindfleisch /1966/ and Horn /1970/. While photocli-
nometry has been developed for astro-geological re-
search and most applications deal with the reconstruc-
tion of planetary terrain profiles /e.g. Davis, Sonderblom
1984/, SFS is a research direction within computer vision
and focuses on the reconstruction of surfaces /Horn,
Brooks 1989/. Both methods are referred to together in
this paper and are abbreviated with SFS. As a conse-
quence of being extremely sensitive to changes in incli-
nation, SFS can detect small terrain undulations that are
far below the sensitivity of photogrammetry. On the
other hand, SFS relies on the correctness of various
assumptions concerning the illumination and the light
reflection of the object surface. Furthermore, in classical
SFS, only surface slopes instead of heights can be deri-
ved. À collection of papers on this topic and an excellent
bibliography are contained in Horn, Brooks /1989/.
Since the requirements for digital imagery, in order to
be used for digital image matching or for SFS, are more
or less complementary to each other, a combination of
the two methods should yield reliable results also in
image regions, where one of the two methods employed
independently fails. Such a combination was already
suggested by Barnard, Fischler /1982/. It is also in line
with the ’cooperative methods paradigm’ of computer
vision /McKeown 1991/, which basically states that the
combined use of different methods for the same aim
improves the results. In this context it is interesting to
note that SFS also has its role in the human capability of
depth perception. Following the work of Julesz /1971/
and Marr /1982/ it was commonly believed that humans
rely only on image features, especially on zero crossings
of the second derivative of the image intensity function,
for binocular depth perception. Only recently it was
shown that binocular SFS alone provides unambiguous
depth clues as well /Mallot 1991/.
In this paper a new global approach is presented and
investigated integrating digital image matching and mul-
ti image SFS in object space. In a least squares adjust-
ment the unknowns (geometric and radiometric para-
meters of the object surface) are estimated from the
pixel intensity values and control information. The per-
spective projection is used for the transformation from
object to image space. Chapter 2 describes a simple
model for the generation of a digital image. In chapter 3
a multi image object based least squares matching ap-
proach developed over the last years is shortly reviewed.
Chapter 4 contains an introduction to SFS. In chapter 5
the integration of digital image matching and multi
image SFS is presented. Experimental results using syn-
thetic images are contained in chapter 6. In the last
chapter conclusions and an outlook for further research
are given.
In this chapter a model for the generation of a digital
image taken with an optical sensor is shortly reviewed,
since the resulting equations will be needed in the remai-
ning part of the paper (see Horn /1986/ for more details).
The image irradiance E; (x, y ) at point P’ (x,y) inthe
image plane is formed by light reflected at a point
P(X,Y,Z) on the object surface. For this imaging
process the well known camera equation (1) holds (for
the following derivations see also figure 1):
Ei(x.y) = 5 CD ent e LOG Y) (1)
x,y image coordinates
X,Y, Z object coordinates
E;(x,y) image irradiance
d diameter of optical lens
f focal length of optical lens
a angle between optical axis and the
ray through P and P
degree of atmospheric transmission
y unit vector in the viewing direction at
POSX, 2)
L(X,Y) sceneradiance in the viewing direc-
In general, L depends on the illumination (number and
size of light sources, direction and radiance of illumina-
tion) and on the properties of surface reflection, which
in turn depend on the surface material, its microstructu-