) is
rithm /Marr, Poggio 1979/ is one of the most well known
examples of this group, others can be found in Fôrstner
/1986/ and Ackermann, Hahn /1991/. The third group
consists of approaches which, besides the features men-
tioned above, use relations between these features ("pa-
rallel to", "to the right of", etc.; for more details see
Shapiro, Haralick /1987/ and Boyer, Kak / 1988/).
Following the line of thought of chapter 2, equation (6)
can be employed to design an object based multi image
matching algorithm. This algorithm has been developed
as a generalization of the least squares matching me-
thods in the last years /Ebner et al. 1987; Ebner, Heipke
1988/. Similar concepts have been published inde-
pendently /Wrobel 1987; Helava 1988/. A detailed des-
cription of this matching algorithm and an evaluation
using synthetic and real imagery can be found in Heipke
/1990, 1991/. The outline of this algorithm is shortly
reviewed here.
First, a geometric and a radiometric model in object
space are introduced.The geometric model consists of a
grid DTM. The grid is defined in the XY-plane of the
object surface with grid nodes X;, Y; and grid heights
Z (Xv, Yi) 2 Zu. The mesh size depends on the
roughness of the terrain. A height Z ( X , Y) at an arbi-
trary point is interpolated from the neighbouring grid
heights, e.g. by bilinear interpolation. In the radiometric
model object surface elements of constant size are defi-
ned within each grid mesh. The size is chosen approxi-
mately equal to the pixel size multiplied by the average
image scale factor. An object intensity value G (X,Y)
is assigned to each object surface element. The albedo
p (X , Y) of the object surface is allowed to be variable
and so is G (X,Y) (see equation (5)). The object sur-
face elements can be projected into the different images
using the well known collinearity equations. Sub-
sequently image intensity values at the corresponding
locations in pixel space can be resampled from the ori-
ginal pixel intensity values (see also figure 2).
In the following, the grid heights Zi), the parameters P
for the exterior orientation of the images, and the object
intensity values G ( X , Y ) ofthe object surface elements
are treated as unknowns. They are estimated directly
from the observations g(x, y) and control information in
a least squares adjustment. Thus, g(x,y) depends on
Zi and on p. The surface normal vector ñ is a function
of the object surface inclination, and therefore also a
Figure 2: Transformation from object to image space
function of Z,;. The direction of illumination; is allowed
to vary from image to image. For each object surface
element, as many values g(x, y) can be computed as there
are images, and as many equations of the following type
can be formulated:
8G (Zu pi). (Zu.p)) » G(X,Y) Rm
jzl,..,n (7)
& Gs CZ pi) Xj Cu pi))
image intensity value, observation
from image j
j image index
Zi unknown grid heights used to interpo-
late Z(X,Y)
Di unknown parameters of exterior
orientation of image j
G(X,Y) unknown object intensity value
n( Ze) vector in the direction of the object
surface normal
Sj unit vector in the direction of illumi-
nation for image j
n number of available images
In optical systems the decreasing image irradiance away
from the principal point due to the term cos/a (see
equations (1), (3) and (5)) is normally compensated for
using more than one lens and special coating. Therefore,
this effect does not need to be modeled here.
For one object surface element the object intensity value
G, and thus the product of all values influencing G (see