Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

a class description. Clustering techniques range from opti- 
mization methods with a given number of classes, over hier- 
archical issues resulting in binary classification trees called 
dendrograms, to clumping techniques which give clusterings 
in which object classes may overlap. 
All learning systems try to generate possible solutions by 
grouping object features (possibly using additional back- 
ground knowledge). This generation of the groupings in gen- 
eral is a search process which requests for suitable heuristics. 
3.1 Numerical learning 
This approach is chosen, when the numeric data is given in 
terms of feature- or attribute-vectors. These features span 
an n-dimensional space. The task of a classification pro- 
cess is to divide this feature space into several regions, the 
pattern classes [Niemann 1981]. Learning is reduced to an 
estimation of the unknown parameters, which link the ob- 
servable features. For this task, a broad range of techniques 
is available. 
In unsupervised numerical approaches (numerical taxon- 
omy), grouping of the objects is performed on the basis 
of similarity. This similarity measure is the value of a nu- 
meric function applied to two objects (e.g. Euclidian dis- 
tance). Thus objects which are most similar are grouped 
together, objects which are least similar are distinguished 
and form different object classes. Similarity measures can 
be both context-free (depending only on the attribute val- 
ues) or context-sensitive, where the similarity is depending 
also on the value range of the attributes. 
Neural Networks also deal with numerical data. Basically 
there are input and output patterns which are linked through 
one ore more layers by sets of weights. The learning task is 
to adjust these weights [Rumelhard and McClelland 1986]. 
3.2 Structural approaches 
Conceptual clustering is a extension of numerical taxonomy 
to symbolic data. Conceptual clustering techniques typically 
do not only consider the objects’ features and the context, 
but furthermore possible concepts or restrictions on the ob- 
jects involved - so-called background knowledge - which may 
be used to describe the objects. Thus the similarity of two 
objects strongly depends on the quality of the concepts that 
describe the objects and their relations and possible limita- 
A classical concept to acquire models from examples was 
presented by Winston [1975]. His ARCH-program first de- 
rives a structural representation of the example objects in 
terms of a semantic network. In the following step the class 
descriptions of the different examples are constructed: the 
first positive example is hypothesized as the model, while 
the following positive and negative examples serve to correct 
or restrict the current model. In contrast to a complete ob- 
ject description, a model is generated, which is sufficient to 
distinguish an object from other objects in the knowledge 
base. Winston relies on noise free data; the resulting model 
is also represented in a semantic network. 
A successor of Winstons program was developed by Connell 
and Brady [1985]. Their system is capable to handle real 
world data, namely real images. Their model generation 
strategy states, that if two objects are the same, then the 
differences between them should be irrelevant and can be 
deleted. The program expects only positive examples for an 
object class. Although handling with noise, it cannot treat 
outliers: these form a new object class. 
Wong and You [1985] present a program starting with ex- 
amples in an attributed graph. In an estimation process, 
the relevant attributes and the relevant relations, along with 
the corresponding probabilities are gained. This structure, 
which represents the model, is called a so-called random 
Segen [1988] developed a program to learn descriptions for 
2D-objects from examples. In contrast to most other learn- 
ing techniques, his program is not based on a fixed set of 
attributes and relations, but is able to generate its own de- 
scriptors. The program starts with the objects (given as ob- 
ject contours) and calculates points with curvature maxima, 
which are denoted descriptors of the first level. Then it gen- 
erates new descriptors by successively grouping the features 
of the previous level. The resulting hierarchical graph is an- 
alyzed statistically. The system can treat noisy data. The 
drawback is that the resulting representation bases on the 
descriptors chosen, which are not interpretable by humans. 
Also Stier [1991] starts from the idea, that object represen- 
tations relying on a predefined set of descriptors can only be 
as expressive as the descriptors are. Therefore he argues for 
a system that is capable of deriving its own appropriate de- 
scriptors. He presents a learning technique which starts from 
elementary, general knowledge about objects, represented in 
logical assertions. In the evaluation phase, a general object 
is hypothesized and the rules from the knowledge base are 
applied to it. The examples serve to verify (accepted or re- 
jected) these hypothesized new rules. The evaluation is per- 
formed in an exhaustive search manner, where the matching 
criterion is the exact fit with the examples. He demonstrates 
his strategy on simple examples. Starting with elementary 
knowledge about polygons (parallelity, straightness, ...) he 
learns the concepts of special types of polygons (triangles, 
squares, rectangles). 
All structural learning techniques presented have in common, 
that they rely on a hierarchical representation of the objects. 
In a first step, the structural description of the examples is 
derived. Then this description is generalized to a model. For 
both steps various strategies may be used. These however 
depend strongly on the data and the task, and no general 
technique is available up to now. 
Thinking of patterns in terms of sentences makes it possible 
to apply techniques from formal language theory to pattern 
recognition [Fu 1982]. With the help of Formal Grammars 
the knowledge about the structure of observations is repre- 
sented in symbolic form. A grammar consists of the tuple 
G = (S,Vn, Vr, P)

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