Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

6.4 Parcel generation with model 
In order to evaluate the model visually, new parcels are gen- 
erated with the help of the model. Given a bigger parcel, it is 
divided into smaller ones with rules of the grammar. Start- 
ing at hierarchy level 1, the number of subparcels is taken 
from the functional relation table: n = n(level = 1) = 3; the 
associated probability is P(3|1) = 1.0. Thus the parcel is cut 
into three subparcels. Formally this results in a structure: 
The production rules are now applied to the subparcels cor- 
respondingly. Being in level 2 now, the number of successors 
is either 5 (with probability 0.67) or 2 (with lower probability 
0.33). In the example, the color indicates the probability of 
the partition: bright parcels have high, dark ones low prob- 
ability. The first partition (Figure 4) - which shows clear 
similarities to the example (see Figure 1), is more probable 
than the second one (Figure 5). 
Figure 4: Aggregation structure generated by model - high 
A prerequisite for any interpretation of images is to have 
adequate model descriptions for the expected objects in the 
images. As these are normally quite complex, there is a 
need for automatic extraction or generation of such models. 
In general, although examples for an object can be identified 
and enumerated, they can not be described in a compact 
form. Learning techniques are a means to solve this problem: 
they allow for making a interior structure (hidden in the 
examples) explicit. Which technique to chose, however, is 
dependent on the type of object. 
The approach to automatic model acquisition from examples 
given in the paper basically is a general one, since it generates 
a structural representation of the data. Such descriptions, 
specifying an object in terms of parts and relationships are 
useful for high level image interpretation tasks, dealing with 
complex real world data. 
The result of the modelling is not only a description of the 
object, but the model also reflects the statistic in it. This 
opens the way to a compound analysis of data of different 
knowledge sources basing on the MDL principle. 
The paper showed that it is possible to extract a representa- 
tion for parcel structures from examples. The new represen- 
tation gained from the original line representation is more 
compact, of generic type and thus more suitable for subse- 
quent object location or recognition tasks. 
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