[ is
Figure 5: À supporting line context
Figure 6: A novel neural network for line grouping
in Figure 2, the performance of proximity grouping
depends on the spatial location of pixels. Those pi-
xels are grouped which are closer and lie on the line.
Connectivity is another important law for grouping
and its performance depends also on the spatial lo-
cation of pixels. Those pixels are grouped which are
connected to each other on a straight line. On the
contrary, the performance of similarity depends on lo-
cal radiometric properties of pixels. Those pixels are
grouped which are similar, for instance, in intensity,
gradient magnitude and orientation.
Now, the main goal is to integrate these grouping cri-
teria for an effective implementation and to combine
the results when different criteria give different re-
sults. For this purpose, a novel neural network has
been developed. As showed in Figure 6, the network
has four layers denoted by F;,i — 1,2,3,4. The layer
F; has M neurons and it receives the input vector
I, — (0i, gi, ...) containing gradient orientation 6;, gra-
dient magnitude g;, and other local radiometric pro-
perties of the i'^ pixel. I; — (2, yi) is the second input
vector containing the coordinates of the same pixel
and it is presented to the layer Fy. The layer Fy is the
output layer containing N neurons and F3 is a hidden
layer which contains also N neurons. These layers are
connected by the weight a;;,i =1,...,M,j = i... N,
between Fy and Fy, b;;,i=1,2,j = 1, ..., N, between
Fy and F3, and cj, — 1,..., N, between F3 and Fy.
To train this network to aggregate pixels into line sup-
port regions, we apply all pixels in an image whose
gradient magnitudes are greater than a threshold as
input data. For simplicity, let I only contain the gra-
dient orientation 6; of the it? pixel. For the first inputs
Ii = (61) and I; = (21,31), the first node v; at Fy
is chosen and the weights which are referred to the
direct and indirect connections between vi and other
nodes at F;, F, and F3 are adapted by the rules
411 — 01, C1 = x1b11 + y1ba1,
b11 = cos a11, ba, = sina11, (8)
and the adapting number n, of v is set to 1. For the
t'^ inputs Ij — (6,) and I — (z,, y,), the input to the
it" node of Fs equals s; — zjbi; -- yb»; — 1,.., N
which is, for the sake of convenience, also its output
signal. It is clear that s; is just a matching score for
the similarity between inputs and stored weights. For
the i'^ node of F4, the situation is more complex. It
has the input 6; — aj; from F, and the input s; — cj
from Fa, i = 1,..., N. Both inputs can be normalized
by using
= (0: — a1:)” = (5; — 6)?
Pai = exp [Eee y Pei = exp mL ,
where c4 and c, are tow normalizing constants, and
P4; and P; can be thought of as two matching scores
for the two inputs from F, and F3. P; gives a mea-
sure to the performance of similarity grouping, while
Pei gives a measure to the performance of proximity
grouping. Now, all nodes of F4 compete to recognize
features in the input layers. Here the main question
is how to measure the match of the i*^ node of Fy
using a matching score P;. This is a problem of dra-
wing inference based on P,; and P,;. When calculated
using probability theory, the matching score P; can be
derived based on Bayes’ rule:
P; = P(Pai, Pet) = P(Pai | Pet) P(Pet) (10)
Based on fuzzy logic, the matching score P; can be
calculated as follows:
P; = P(Pai, Pas) = min(Pai, Po). (11)
Now, for the t'^ pixel with the inputs I; = (01) and
I, — (z:, y), only those nodes of F4, which have been
triggered by the neighbor pixels of the t'^ pixel du-
ring the last learning, compete with each other. After