2.6 Calculated corner coordinates
Aller (wo lines forming corner are oblained, corner
coordinate (Xc,yc) can be computed:
Xc7 ( pj sin 02 - p? sin 01) / sin(05 - 01)
yc= ( p2 cos 01 - p1 cos 0») /sin(05 - 01) (28)
where (pj,01) and (p;,02) are the parameters of two
straight lines.
3.1 Internal accuracy
Standard error of unit weight:
0g= sqrl[ EVV/(n-4)] (29)
where n is the number of observed value.
Inversion of coefficient matrix of normal equation N is
covariance matrix Q-092N"1. The covariance matrix of
stright line parameters (p,0) is
jo 4
op’qpg 00“900 (30)
The covariance matrix of two straight lines parameters
(p, 01) and (pz, 62) 1s
op^qpipi 01“api61 O 0
op1’qp161 901790101 0 0
0 0 ob qpzp2 902^dp262
0 0 057^q5202 9927790202] (31)
The derivations can be computed by equation 28:
dy-FyldL (32)
'sin 05/sin (02-01) ]
-p2 cos 01/sin(02-01)+xc atan(02-01)
Fx =|-sin 01/sin(02-01)
P1 cos 69/sin(02-01)-xc atan(02-01) |
-cos 02/sin(02-01) ]
-p2 sin 01/sin(02-01)+yc atan(02-61)
Fy=| cos 01/sin(02-01)
|p! sin 02/sin(02-01)-xc atan(02-01) |
from covariance theorem:
ox2 =FxI Dp 1 Fx
oy2=kyl D1] Fy (33)
oxy -FxlI Dy 1. Fy
So internal accuracy and error ellipse can be obtained.
3.2 exlernal accuracy
If there are various errors in mathematical model. internal
accuracy is higher than external accuracy. The external
accuracy should be used in eveluation of location
method. By comparing the coordinates of location (x.y)
with rcal coordinates (X53):
Dx-x -X
Mx=sqrt( Z DxDx/n)
My=sqrt( 2 DyDy/n)
M = sqri( Mx2+My?) (34)
where n is the number of samples, statistic results show
that internal accuracy is almost equal to external accuracy
in ideal condition (see table 1).
4.1 Relation between accuracy and the points near the
The points near corner are used in method 1 and the
points near corner are not used in method 2. From talbe 1,
it can be seen that the location precision is higher with
method 2 and the external accuracy corresponds with the
internal one. So the points near the corner should be
4.2 Compared with Forstner method
Form table 2, the new method's accuracy is higher than
Forsiner's. In ideal condition, the accuracy of new
method is about 0.02 pixel size.
4.3 Sensibility to noise
From table 3, the accuracy of the new method is smaller
than 0.1 pixel size, when there are some noises in image.
4.4 Resuli on real images
An image whose shape is like chessboard in produced by
computer. So all intersection points' coordinates are
known. After taken the photograph, it is digitised with
25425 pixel size in scanner. Because scanner coordinates
do not correspond with photo coordinates, we used the
affine transformation for orientation and distortion
correction. The new method is used for location, and the
results see table 4 .
The table 4 shows that the real accuracy is 0.091 pixel,
the line's direction is obtained at the same time.
4.5 Relative orientation
The new location method and the method of high
precision least squares maiching are used in relative
orientation of a urban image (fable 5). Because of the
influence of urban buildings, the surface is no smooth,
and only affine transformation is used in the method of
least squares matching for geometric correction. It can not
completely compensate the errors. But the problem does
not exist in the new method, so its accuracy is higher than
that in the method of least squares matching.