Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

unit: pixel 
3 CONCLUSIONS Ea re... Ts 3 
| window | Forstner | new 
In this paper some popular location method have been LS Lal. | Haim au 
analysed simply, and a new location method for straight | | 9x9 |. 0.216 | 0.039 | 
line and corner has been proposed. By means of analyses pete sy due ER 1 
and experements, a few conclusions have been obtained. [ibo [o890T8 [2 - 0603 o] 
(1) The new method can locate accurately the straight a m UE 1 
line. Its accuracy is much higher than that of Hough Lbs Lr std DU» sal 
Transformation. (2) The high accuracy in the location of | 15315 | 0.140 | 0.027 | 
corner point can also be acquired with the new method. a + + E 
In the ideal condition, the accuracy is about 0.02 pixel E 1917 | 5i ! 0.028 | 
size. (3) The new method can provide not also the b d m a —— 
position of the corner point, but also the directions of two » fais is 122 2174 oe iA 825 | 
lines forming the corner, which is useful to matching and md 
A : : | 2131 | 0.122 | 0.023 | 
recognition of image. (4) On the urban image with large L À. | 
scale, the result of ihe method of least squares maíiching Table 2 
may not be very good because of the influence of 
projective error. But it is satisfactory to use the new 
method. So the new method can be used in relative | Seat eat doutes C (nil 
orientation, absolute orientation and other aspects which | (grey level) | d boy 
high accuracy is requared. = | Tad 
| 0 | 0.023 
| 2 | 0.029 
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Tabatabai, A.J. and Mitchell, O.R., 1981. Edge Location sl elslslks Lad tts Eatin} 
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Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. LUS SPA PA | 9 | = | = | 
'aleigigis! --iziz 
£12885) Le: 165 
soe pel SL 
unit: pixel élgig glgiz AH 
Per pee eee SS SS Sa I SS 
| window size | method 1 | method 2 | method 3 | lejeieiciec) v LN lel Si. 
| 99 | V8 | 0.059 | 0.043 | Sana FESTE 
bu + + eres [2 (21% eis T BIE! 8 
| Hn | 0.185 | 0.03 | 0.035 | iim isivisia S ele ie 
| bmp] hablo Eier 
| 198 | 0.125 | 0.025 | 0.027 | [EB /2 sis | Teig! 
me —t-—— loo |S = [I1 
Le bali idi iur AMARE b IR d ei (ood oa 
11417. |. 0.046 | 0.028 |. 0.018 | 5/3 E 5 EE |! gl xl 
E-————— mp [Fie (S194 ESI 2i 
| "19d9 - | 9.036 | 0.025 | pois 7! Pf | Sal Ele 
- + ss Eis] gx Sis 
| 2121 | 0.028 | 0.023 | 0.015 | (=i 1213 ==)" 
Le | + i ) [=e Sieg ve | 
*method 3: internal accuracy te e bed EL 421] 
Table 1 

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