Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B3)

Figure 7: Search tree for the incorrect image description 
of landmarks and images. In this paper we focussed on the 
recognition of a landmark in the image. We did not discuss 
the exact measurement of the landmark’s coordinates. Once a 
landmark has been located approximately, other methods can be 
used for the coordinate measurement (e.g. a robust least squares 
adjustment [Sester and Förstner 1989]). For the recognition of a 
landmark inaccurate models and a simple geometric transforma- 
tion (affine transformation) are sufficient. A precise measurement 
would require accurate 3-dimensional landmark models and a full 
model of the perspective transformation. 
The relational image descriptions we used were extracted from 
colour images and colour infra-red images. The colour informa- 
tion was of crucial importance for the feature extraction. With- 
out the use of colour (or multi-spectral) images, a reliable extrac- 
tion of road and rivers is hardly possible. 
In order to determine the exterior orientation of an image, it is 
necessary to measure three landmarks at least. The landmarks 
we used all contained a minimum number of five points. If the 
terrain coordinates of those points would be known, one could 
calculate a spatial resection after the measurement of only one 
landmark. Of course, the accuracy of this resection would be bad, 
because the points of the landmark lie closely together. How- 
ever, the transformation parameters can be used to constrain the 
search space for the recognition of the landmarks that remain 
to be measured. The relational matching algorithm does not re- 
quire approximate values, but, if approximate values are available 
(e.g. for scale rotation or position of the landmark), they are very 
useful for reducing the search space. 
Such approximate values can be easily integrated into the eval- 
uation of the mappings with the mutual information. The more 
accurate these values are, the higher the conditional probabilities 
will be. E.g., if the image scale factor is known to be near S, one 
knows that the length of a line in the landmark should be about 
S times the length of the corresponding line in the image de- 
scription. This helps to discriminate between correct and wrong 
correspondences. The conditional probabilities (and also the mu- 
tual information) of the correct correspondences will be high and 
the conditional probabilities of the wrong correspondences will 
be low. The calculation or empirical acquisition of the probabil- 
ities does require quite some effort before one can start with the 
matching. But this only has to be done once. In all six examples 
we used the same probability tables. Once the probabilities have 
been determined, the maximum likelihood mapping between two 
descriptions can be found by maximizing the mutual information. 
Unfortunately, the search time needed to find a match is hard 
to predict. In the first place it depends on the number of image 
and model features that have to be matched. Two other fac- 
tors also have a strong impact on the search time: the quality 
of the image description and the uniqueness of the landmark at- 
tributes. Differences between the geometry or topology of the 
image and landmark description lead to a substantial increase of 
the search space. These differences are usually caused by errors 
in the segmentation of the image. A good image segmentation 
is therefore very important. In the previous section the example 
parcel2 showed a relatively high search time. This was caused 
by the fact that the image contained many features and relations 
between features with similar attribute values. This increases the 
search effort that has to be made in order to find the correct map- 
ping. One therefore should use such landmarks that have unique 
attribute values. This limits the number of mappings that have 
to be evaluated and therefore limits the search time. 
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