interpreted as a knowledge based technique. In a strickter
sense, however, information pertaining to the spatial and
temporal characteristics, inter-connections and relationships
of classes constitutes a real knowledge base. Such
information allows the introduction of a-priori constraints
and expectations and deductive reasoning into the analysis.
Information which resides in a GIS can be incorporated
either before classification for stratification, during
classification for classification modification or after
classification for post-classification editing. In stratification,
cartographic data can be used to divide the scene into
segments based on known administrative, property and land
use boundaries, so that these sub-areas may be processed
separately [Hutchison, 1982]. Polygon based spectral
signature generation as samples for the classification is also
possible. Classifier modification involves assigning a priori
probabilities to the classifier, based on GIS stored
information [Strahler, 1980]. Another approach is to
perform per-polygon instead of per-pixel classification and
use “IF-THEN” rule tables to reach a final decision based on
a priori expectations and on the inputs from programs which
model changes as a function of time. During
postclassification sorting, GIS stored knowledge can help to
resolve omissions and commissions [Hutchison, 1982].
3.2 Raster Image Statistics Generation
CARIS/RIX has the capability of obtaining raster image
statistics for existing polygons, supported by the vector
polygon to raster object conversion software developed
previously by Reedijk, [1990]. This software interactively
creates raster representation of one or more map objects.
The map objects may be explicit nodes, lines, or polygons.
A region of a specified radius referenced to the map object
may be included in the raster object (Le., this is a region
specified by an "inclusion radius.") The map objects may be
selected by pointing or windowing on the screen, or through
a database query that refers to their lexical attributes. Map
objects may also be defined by drawing a polygon with the
cursor in the raster image backdrop. Boolean operations can
be performed on raster objects. For example, a polygon and
its perimeter can be separately rasterized, and then the latter
subtracted from the formal to obtain a rasterized
representation of the interior of the polygon that excludes a
margin around its edge. Raster objects can be saved on disk
in an object-based representation that is analogous to that
used for vector-based data storage in CARIS.
The fundamental problem of polygon to raster conversion is
to determine which pixels lie within the bounds of the vector
polygons. A simple but computationally expensive solution
would involve the testing of each pixel to see if it lies within
the polygon. A better approach is to use a polygon scan
conversion technique.
An extensively used algorithm to solve this problem is
described by Foley and Van Dam [1984]. This method was
slightly modified to resolve certain ambiguities. The basic
algorithm is as follows: At each edge of the polygon, the
points where it intersects the centres or each scan line are
determined. This list of intersections is then sorted, first in
y, then in x direction. Each pair of intersection points in this
sorted list corresponds to the end points of a swath of pixels
within the polygon. Several ambiguities in the Foley and
Van Dam approach were resolved in the final
implementation. This ultimately led to a solution where
every pixel was assigned to one and only one polygon.
Once the raster objects are defined and the image layers
selected, the analyst can obtain the following image statistics
for the corresponding map (vector) object:
* mean vector and standard deviation,
* variance-covariance matrix,
* lower and upper value limits in each data layer, and
* the number of pixels in each map object or groups of map
objects. The statistics can be generated for single map
objects or for a group of objects belonging to the same class.
All image statistics are stored in the database as attributes of
the map object. The frequency histogram of each layer can
also be displayed.
The training statistics support the minimum distance to
means, parallelepiped, and Gaussian maximum likelihood
classification decision rules. A trial classification and a full
classification option are available.
The trial classification option operates only on the raster
objects selected as sites for the training statistics generation.
The output is a confusion matrix and a theme assignment for
each class, as well as for the unclassified and multiclassified
pixels. The full classification option operates on the entire
data file stored on disk. It creates theme files and pixel
counts for each theme as the output.
Image statistics generation within pre-defined or user defined
polygons has distinct advantages over the customary training
statistics generation performed in image analysis systems.
The statistics obtained can be stored as an attribute of
individual polygons. It can aid qualitative decision making
and can facilitate change detection without performing the
classification of multitemporal data sets. Polygons càn be
located by codes, whereby potential difficulties and errors in
the identification of training areas are eliminated. Operating
within a GIS provides the means for developing per-polygon
and contextual classification schemes and for including
textual attributes in the analysis. Pre-classification
segmentation and masking can be based on administrative or
property boundaries and land use information residing in the
map file. The combined vector-raster approach also
facilitates the utilization of image data in corridor analysis.
3.3 Example
The knowledge based image analysis scheme is illustrated by
a simple agricultural crop classification project. The
Department of Agriculture and various marketing boards
need annual forecasts on the yield of crop production and
also wish to monitor changes in agricultural land use.
Spaceborne images, such as LANDSAT-TM or SPOT data,
are an excellent source of information for this purpose. A
typical procedure for the execution of this project, in a stand
allows image analysis, is as follows:
Near the time of the satellite's overpass, several fields are
selected for each crop to be inventoried to serve as training
fields during the analysis. The selection is made by site
visits to assure total reliability. These fields are marked on
maps or aerial photographs. After the satellite data has been
acquired, these fields are visually identified in the image
display on the screen of the analysis system and manually
delineated with the cursor and stored in a training area file.
The image statistics of each crop is then generated and used
as an input to a per-pixel supervised classifier. Post
classification edit is then performed to remove "stray" pixels
and fill small unclassified gaps within the fields. Finally the
total area covered by each crop in the region is determined by
pixel count. It is also common to improve the area estimate
by regression analysis. Permanent visual records may be
produced in a suitable dot matrix plotter.
The knowledge based analysis approach to the same project
would be implemented as follows: It is presupposed that a
digital map base is available covering the region of interest.
Administrative, property and farm filed boundaries are
acquired in digital form and added to the digital map file in
the GIS. An identification code is assigned to each field in
the polygon attribute file. Training samples are collected by
site visits in the usual manner but are stored by field
identification codes in the data base. A list of crops