—- '2> 2
"—- -—-
fig. 18: Partially unwrapped phase interferogram
both informations. Actually we decided to resample
the SPOT DEM into the slant range geometry.
Using the coarse orbitographic informations for the
reference scene, we resampled the 40 by 40
meters SPOT DEM grid into the equivalent of a 50
by 50 meters grid in slant range geometry as
shown figure 20.
fig. 19: SPOT DEM with interferometric data
coverage framed.
fig. 20: SPOT DEM resampled into the radar
The resampled SPOT DEM can then be compared
with the unwrapped interferogram. Because of the
crossed orbit the relative altimetry of the
unwrapped phases at the bottom of the scene is
very poor. Figure 21 shows a small portion of the
area for which the interferometric process works
normally (reasonable baseline). Visually, on this
small area, interferometric altimetry information
gives nice details that are smoothed on SPOT
DEM. Although SPOT DEM generation is not a
stable process and can still be improved, the
interferometric result compares quite favorably with
it. It is reassuring to notice that interferometry
gives altimetric information under the clouds!
Further quantitative evaluation such as local noise
and mean quadratic error over the scene can be
achieved once we compute the absolute altimetry
informations from the interferometric process.
fig. 21: SPOT DEM on top (14 meters (XS) mean
quadratic error), and unwrapped phases at the
bottom for a small area
After simulation and evaluation let us present some
experiments to demonstrate that SPOT DEM or
coarse elevation model can help in the unwrapping
process. The method followed is simple
interferogram subtraction. The resulting
interferogram should be easier to unwrap and is
related to the altimetry differences between the two
initial products.
4.1 Approximated DEMs
A first experiment shows how approximated DEMs
can be used in this unwrapping process.
Coarse altimetric informations are generated by
simply smoothing the initial SPOT DEM. Then
interferograms are simulated with the same
geometry and parameters (ERS-1 parameters) for
each DEM. Figure 22 shows the simulated
interferogram with a 100 meters interferometric
baseline for the initial SPOT DEM. With a very low