These experiments show that without knowing the
precise absolute satellite orbitography, we can
automatically unwrap the experimental
interferogram from relative baseline information.
DEM such as partial SPOT DEM or sparse
altimetry informations can be transformed into
interferograms that can be used to unwrap the
initial interferogram or small baseline data set can
help and partially unwrap interferograms for large
baseline data set.
To assess the operational potential of the SAR
interferometry method for digital terrain modelling
we presented different experiments using DEM
generated from SPOT imagery. SPOT DEM
represents good references and can be used in
different ways. First, considering SPOT DEM as a
“scene reference” we showed how it is possible to
simulate some of the behaviors of simple
interferograms. Then using results from SIRB data,
we described how we can evaluate and compare
altimetry information issued from Interferometry
and SPOT DEM. Finally we presented some
experiments showing that SPOT DEM or coarse
altimetry information as well as multi-baseline data
can help to unwrap accurate but ambiguous
With the coming data from satellites such as ERST,
J-ERS or ALMAZ, interest in SAR interferometry for
digital terrain modelling is rapidly growing. We
believe that, after the theoretical studies already
discussed, experiments like the ones we presented
here reinforce the idea that interferometry can be a
practical way to get DEM.
We wish to thank J.P.L. scientists for the set of
SIR-B images which enabled us to work on real
spaceborne imagery.
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