Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

The statistical data mainly includes: agriculture sta- 
tistical data ( production facilities, livestock struc- 
ture and numbers ), the social and economy statis- 
tical data, disasters statistical data etc.. 
(3) Remote sensing information 
Including the meteriological satellite receiving sys- 
tem and the Image processing system. The image 
processing system receive the original spectrum in- 
formation from the satellite receiving system ac- 
cording to the operation commands and demands 
from the command center, and extracting the nece- 
ssary analysis method from the analytical tool box, 
and if necessary, check the required attribute in- 
formation by the database management subsystem, 
and process and calculate the original spectrum 
information, sort out the corresponding remote sen- 
sing information and pass them to the database ma- 
nagemant subsystem. 
3. Information management subsystem 
The main task of the information management sub- 
system is to pack the information into the database 
fram which have been designed according to given 
data mould structure, and form the database with 
uniformity record format. On the other hand, to 
pack the remote sensing information into the remote 
sensing mapbox in the form of phaseposition, and 
attribute, as the style of documents. In addition, 
the information management subsystem can provide 
the operation of look, check, delete, edit, update 
and usual calculation etc. for the records and map 
with multiple forms ( including logistic form), and 
can sensitively alternate the calculation for the 
attribute and image. 
4. The information processing subsystem: its task is 
to pocess the information by the machanical opera- 
tion model or the intelligent model according to the 
management aims, and get the results used for the 
management departments or other users, and pass 
the information to the information transmission sub- 
system after sorting, in the same time, save to the 
database. In this process, the aims was given by 
users. Untill now, the system can provide three ana- 
lytical aims:(1) The grassland productivity estimate, 
(2) The evaluation on the forage-livestock balance 
of the grazing rangeland system.(3) The grassland 
disasters estimation. 
The information processing can be divided into two 
(1). The mechanical model processing method: 
According to the analytical goals, the model mana- 
gement subsystem transfer concerned analytical mo- 
del from the database adopted by the model mana- 
gement subsystem and by the concerned analytical 
tools. In addition to setting up the models, the 
model management subsystem carry out the manage- 
ments according to the proviously types and diffina- 
tions of the models and provide the operations of 
check, look, delete,edit,update etc. for the models. 
The model box can not only provide analysis models 
for the digital calculation, but also provide the lo- 
gistic modelling models of the non-digital calculation 
for the changing borders and changing parameters. 
(2). The intelligent analytical processing methods: 
These mainly composed of various expert systems, 
e.g. the self-distinguishing expert system of the 
grassland types, the estimating expert system for 
the grassland environment quality suitability, the 
grassland water and soil conservation expert system 
etc. The intelligent model assists the analysis in 
order to solve some problems which concerned mul- 
tiple factors, complex relationships and which is 
with sophisticated entirety or comprehension and of 
which it is difficult to process better with other 
analytical means. 
5. The information communication and transmission 
After sorting, the goal analytical results were tran- 
smissioned to management or Strategic departments 
or other users according to given formats ( maps, 
texts, tables etc.) by means of micro-weave commu- 
nication facilities (fax, telegram etc.) or the satelli- 
te communication technology. 
The above technical system and the models, after 
testing on the typical area of Inner Mongolia range- 
land, proved to be feasible. Using the NOAA-AVHRR 
data, the precision for the £rassland production es- 
timate can reached more than 95%. So, setting up 
the dynamic monitoring system of the rangeland re- 
sources for large area, can fully satisfied the  de- 
mand of the grassland macroscopic management. 
Li Bo et al.1990.The Steppe of China, Science Press 
T. F. Allen and Starr T. B. 1982. Hierarchy: Pers- 
pectives for Ecological Complexity. Univ. of Chica- 
£o Press, pp. 310 
Chen Shu-Peng, 1990. Remote Sensing Monitoring and 
Forecasting of The Natural Environment Vicissitudes. 
Remote Sensing Utilization. The Exploration of The 
Geography, Vol. 3. pp. 124-129. Science Press 
Xu Guan-Hua et al. 1988. The Expert System for 
Distinguishing Remote Sensing Image, Remote Sens- 
ing Research on the Regrowth Resources, Science 
Press, pp. 38-47.

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