h on
| to-
SPOT data, show a mapping accuracy equvalent to
0.3/0.15 millimeters in 1 : 25 000/1 : 50 000 maps.
Map revision at large scales of 1 : 10 000 becomes
feasible using scanned aerial photos. For these data
accuarcy limitation is given by the image scale and
by the scanner performance. In the presented appli-
cations, a mapping accuarcy corresponding to about
0.2 millimeters in 1 : 10 000 scale could be achieved.
Digital image data also offer a certain potential for
3D data extraction. Digitized aerial photographs are
a subject in digital photogrammetry, which offers the
possibility of automated stereo mapping based on im-
age correlation techniques. An activity for DEM ex-
traction using such data has been carried out. Com-
pared to existing elevation data derived from 1 : 25 000
topographic maps the resulting DEM shows more de-
tails in particular areas. However, for individual ho-
mogeneous areas like forests automatic image correla-
tion is not possible. There, miscorrelations can lead
to rather erroneous results. It is a matter of fur-
ther investigations to identify methods to appropri-
ately avoid miscorrelations.
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