Ce Order through the
Order over a
Figure 10 An example of the agreement
of the two kinds of edge orders
Order through the projection; 1,2,3,4
Order over a surface :1,34,2
Figure 11 An example of the disagreement
of the order through the projection with the
order over a surface
(2)A constraint condition on torsion angles of
À torsion angle of a polygon along a bounding
edge is defined as an angle between two normal
vectors neighboring along the bounding edge
(figure 12). The torsion angle must be as small as
possible. As shown in figure 13, the large torsion
angle causes ambiguity in tracing edges to identify
a torsion angle
(0 - 90deg.)
a,b,c ; edge vectors
bounding a polygon
m ; normal vector=axb
n ;normal vector-bxc
Figure 12 Definition of a torsion angle of a poygon
A—O0-—O0i1— B A-—O0—01—C
Figure 13 An example of an ambiguity in identifying
polygons by tracing an edge when a torsion angle is large
2) A procedure to identify and interpolate
polygons in 3D surfaces
Under these constraint conditions, polygons
whether planar or non-planar, can be identified in
a 3D surface and their surfaces can be
interpolated. The procedure is summarized as
Isolated points, and edges connected with
less than two edge are all removed. Only points
where more than twó edges meet are recognized
as points in the following process.
(ii)Generation of the alternatives of the edge
order at each point:
Two alternatives of the edge order over a
surface are generated at every point. In the case
of three edges, there exist only two(=(3-1)!)
alternatives of the edge order. In the case of
more than three edges, two kinds of orders
through projection, clockwise or
counterclockwise, are generated as alternatives
of the order over a surface.
(iii)Determination of the edge order at each
The order of edges at at least one point must
be determined by a user as an initial condition.
The order of edges at other points are
determined by tracing edges from the points
where the orders are already determined.
Suppose the edges at the point O are already
ordered in figure 14. The order of edges at O1
must be determined. There are two alternatives
of the edge order at O1. One is a clockwise
order. With this order, a pair of edges,
A,0,01,C and B,0,01,D will bound two
polygons respectively. Another is a
counterclockwise order. With this order, a pair
of edges, A,0,01,D and B,0,01,C will bound
two polygons respectively.
a given mi
order Ci A 4 Counterclockwise
1 7
m 2 Clockwise order
Figure 14 Determination of the order of edges at O:
by tracing edge e
Since the torsion angles( 0-90 deg.) of a
pair of polygons bounded by A,0,01,C and
B,0,01,D respectively is larger that those by
A,0,01,D and B,0,01,C in this example, it
can be concluded that the counterclockwise
order is more likely.
If the torsion angles are almost the same (it
is very likely when the edges are contained in a
single plane), normal vectors m1 and m2 at
O1, which correspond with a counterclockwise
order and a clockwise order respectively, are
compared to normal vector n at O in terms of
intersection angle (0-180 deg.). In this case,
since the intersection angle of m1 and n is
smaller, we can conclude that. the
counterclockwise order is more likely.
If the order do not coincide with the other
determined from other neighboring points, a
user is required to check the ordering result.
(iv)Polygon identification in each 3D surface:
By tracing edges according to the order of
edges at each point, polygons can be identified
in a 3D surface.