Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

Chao-hsiung Wu 
Surveying Engineering Dept. 
University of Maine 
Orono, ME 04469, U.S.A. 
William Mackaness 
333 Boardman Hall 
University of Maine 
Orono, ME 04469, U.S.A. 
Commission 4 
In many mapping organizations, existing topographic paper maps comprise the most complete source of elevation data; the 
objective of this research is to capture the elevation data (which is in contour form) in a GIS. The topographic relief plate which 
shows no height information can be scanned into a GIS. The remaining task is then to label these isolines. 
This paper discusses a methodology for the automatic labeling of the scanned image based on the separate input of a minimum set 
of height information. The implementation was divided into two parts. First, an undirected contour tree was generated from 
analysis of a scanned image. Secondly, a set of heuristic topological rules were applied in order to orientate the tree and thus 
determine a minimum set of height information required to label all the contours. Problems in this partial implementation and 
worst case situations are discussed. 
Key Words: Cartographic, Raster, Spatial, Directed Graphs, Contour Labeling 
The generation of digital terrain models (DTM) for geographic 
database is an important task in many mapping organizations 
(Petrie and Kennie, 1990; Niemann and Howes, 1991). The 
format of a DTM is basically a regular grid of elevation. 
Ideally, the values are interpolated from the original set of 
points (for example from a topographic survey). In Taiwan, 
however, the most complete source of elevation data is from 
existing paper maps. The challenge thus becomes one of 
efficiently converting a large amount of paper maps into a 
digital representation for GIS applications. 
At present, DTM data are derived from three alternative 
sources, namely ground surveys, photogrammetry and 
digitization of cartographic documents (Weibel and Heller, 
1991). Ground survey measurements tend to be very accurate 
and the accuracy of the resulting DTM is very high. However, 
as this technique is relatively time consuming, its use is limited 
to small areas and large scale projects. Photogrammetric data 
capture is based on the stereoscopic interpretation of overlapped 
aerial photographs or satellite imagery. It is normally used in 
large engineering projects (e.g., dams, roads) as well as 
nationwide data collection projects. Digitization of cartographic 
documents may be implemented by manual digitization, semi- 
automated line following, e.g. Laserscan" (Peuquet and Boyle, 
1984), or by means of automatic raster scanning and 
vectorization of a contour plate, e.g. Sysscan* (Peuquet and 
Boyle, 1984). The accuracy obtained will depend on the 
quality of the cartographic sources as well as the Analog/Digital 
(A/D) conversion process. Due to the relatively high costs of 
the direct methods of data collection (surveying and 
photogrammetry) and the large volume of existing paper maps 
available, the indirect method (A/D conversion) is predominant 
for large data collection projects. This is particularly true for 
national (e.g., USGS) or military agencies (e.g., DMA). 
Despite the widespread use of paper maps as a basis for DTMs, 
collecting contour data presents its own problems. Essentially 
contour lines are a form of terrain visualization and are not 
primarily used as a scheme for numerical surface 
representation. Excessive numbers of points are sampled along 
contours, whereas no data is sampled across contours. Errors 
may be introduced in drawing, line generalization, and 
* Mention of vendors system should not be construed as an endorsement 
of the product. 
reproduction. A large amount of the original information is lost 
in the map making process. Contour generation is a 
generalization of spot height information, consequently, 
contour data yield DTMs of only limited accuracy. However, 
since large area coverage is achieved relatively cost effectively, 
digitized cartographic documents provide a compromise method 
for creating DTMs for use at medium or small scales. 
The contour lines in a topographic relief plate are a graphic 
representation of terrain. The focus of the A/D conversion is 
the interpretation of this graph. When a graph is stored in a 
digital environment, descriptions are required and attached to 
the graph for interpretation. For these isolines, the description 
is the elevation data it represents. Contour labeling is a process 
whereby elevation data are attached to isolines. Traditionally, 
vector based techniques dominated the contour labeling process 
which relied heavily on high labor intensive manual operation, 
costly computer graphics hardware and were time consuming. 
As a consequence, these constraints limit its use (Selden, 
1991). But the low cost of scanners and large storage mediums 
make the raster based approach more popular (Carstensen and 
Campbell, 1991). An approach that incorporates the advance 
of computer technology, the relatively inexpensive raster-based 
scanning machines, the ever increasing computational speed, 
and the need to reduce the cost of manpower, to minimize 
errors introduced from tedious repetitive manual tagging and to 
provide a user friendly environment, is proposed in the 
following discussions. 
This paper presents an approach that efficiently utilizes a 
minimum set of height information from the topographic maps, 
to automatically tag the contour lines and consequently creates 
DTMs. Height information includes spot heights and contour 
indexes. A conceptual model, in the form of a contour tree, is 
adopted to express the relationships of the contour lines, in 
particular the contour topology. The topology of contour lines 
is derived by examining their neighborhood relationship. A set 
of rules are employed to orient the contour tree. In the process, 
the human-machine interaction will provide relevant feedback 
messages to guide the operator. The minimum requirements of 
height information for a free tree to be oriented are derived and 
provide valuable messages for a human operator to completely 
label the contour lines. This approach incorporates the implicit 
nature of contours (i.e., their topology), with the explicit 
information about the contour plate (i.e., the height 
information) in order to fully automate a contour labeling 

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