Boyell and Ruston (1963) first introduced the graph
representation of contour relationships in which contours and
inter-contour regions are defined as edges and nodes,
respectively. It provided a tool to visually perceive the
relationship among contour lines.
Later on, Pfaltz (1976) proposed a surface networks theory. In
it, he attempted to select a limited set of disjoint points that
conveyed the greatest amount of information about the surface.
Those set of points were then used to reconstruct the
interrelations of surface features such as peaks, passes, ridges
and pits. In doing so, the topology of the surface can be
formalized and terrain features can then be defined. Though
not expanded on, contour labeling was mentioned as one of the
possible applications of this theory.
Mark (1977) concentrated on incorporating the contour tree
concept in computer cartography, particular in contour labeling
and surface generalization. He pointed out the potential of the
graph structure in rebuilding the topology of contour lines. But
it was Roubal and Poiker (1985) who first used the contour tree
structures to automate the contour line labeling problem. The
approach defined a graph structure using the topological
adjacency of contour lines as nodes in the graph. In this
approach, the inter-contour regions were not counted. Asa
consequence, a non-closed contour resulted in the loss of its
tree structure and the neighborhood relations were no longer
retained (Figure 1a).
LS ——I3-——15-——I16
Fig. la
"C — u—J
Fig. 1b
Nem Hm
G— D-—E-—F
Fig. lc
Fig.1a: Non-closed contours in Roubal and Poikers'
approach (1985) resulted in the loss of tree structure
of the graph, and the neighborhood relations are no
longer retained.
Yagi et. al. (1991) reported a system that scans, digitizes and
vectorizes the 1/25,000 topographic relief plate. The human
operator was involved in the semi-automatic editing process to
improve the quality of the scanned contour lines. An existing
250m interval DTM was employed to assign the contour height
in accordance with the height difference of a pair of known-
height points. This approach improved image quality of
cartographic documents by a photomechanical process and
hence reduced the editing time. In general, it is an interactive
method for contour labeling.
Sircar and Cebrian (1991) presented a raster-based approach to
label contour lines digitized from topographic maps. The graph
theory was also applied to reconstruct the topological
adjacencies of elevation regions in rasterized contour maps.
Both inter-contour regions and contour lines are treated as
nodes in their representation in the resulting graph structure. A
semi-automated batch-oriented approach was employed. It
emphasized utilizing low cost desktop raster scanner for
engineering applications of small or medium size organizations.
Previous efforts have shown the merits of contour tree
structures in preserving and representing the topology of the
contour lines, and thus provided a basis for an automated
contour labeling system. In an automated process involving
human computer interaction, it is critical that the system follows
the same logical sequence that a human operator does. This
paper expands Sircar and Cebrians' (1991) approach with
emphasis on the human-computer interaction. It begins by
employing available height information to orientate the free tree.
After applying topological rules to the graph structure in order
to find the relative height order of the contours, unique
solutions are derived and attached to the edges of the tree. The
interactive mode will provide information so that ambiguous
contours will be highlighted for the next iterative process to
solve or for the operator to solve. For example, it is only by
utilizing information from adjoining map sheets, that we can
discriminate between Fig. lb and lc. Figure 2 is a block
diagram of the proposed system and shows the general
structure of the process. This paper now considers the
methodology and reviews some of the problems encountered in
relief plate
image coding for contour lines
and inter-contour regions
| construct contour tree]
topological rules
| apply topological rules |
height information
| oriented contour tree |
Fig.2: Block diagram of the automatic
contour labeling system
The project began by implementing the methodology proposed
by Sircar and Cebrian (1991), but based on some topological
rules that governed the relationship between contours.
Construction of Contour Tree
The tree structure is a graph with nodes and edges. Using
edges to symbolize the contour lines and nodes to symbolize
the inter-contour regions is an appropriate way of constructing
the contour tree in light of rebuilding neighborhood
relationships and for error detection. A tree without any
directional information is called a free tree, whereas a tree with
contour elevations attached to the edges (thus providing
directional information) is called a directed tree. An adjacency
matrix can also be used to represent the same structure.