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The relative height ordering relationship between contour lines
and inter-contour regions can be intuitively realized from the
tree structure. Each contour line may have many upper
neighbors, but may have only one enclosing neighbor. A
branch in a tree represents a divergence where there exists two
or more contour lines of the same elevation that are enclosed by
a common neighbor.
Topological Rules of Contours
Contour lines are of a relatively simple form among the
topographic map features in the sense of feature shape and size,
and associated attribute data. During the map generalization
and reproduction process, a map compiler has, to a large
extent, verified the correctness and the consistency of map
features to ensure the map quality. This makes it possible to
derive some general rules of elevation ordering about the
There are four basic rules that guide contour elevation ordering:
1. Truncate rule (Fig. 3a)
The elevation of a closed contour, which has a spot height
enclosed, is the truncated elevation of the spot height.
2. Equal height rule (Fig. 3b)
If two neighboring closed contour lines A and B are both
enclosed by a common closed contour C, then A and B are of
the same elevation.
3. Enclosing rule (Fig. 3c)
If there exists two neighbored closed contours A and B, and if
A is enclosing B, then elevation of B is one contour-interval
higher than elevation of A. Note that in case of depression,
which is symbolized with many regular short line segments
perpendicular to the contour line, the elevation is one contour-
interval lower.
4. A local peak has only one neighbor (Fig. 3d).
if: [ contour_interval = n meter
is_closed (A)
p_spot_height = h meter
A is_inside(p, A) ]
X 180 then:
p187 elevation (A)
= truncate (h,n) meter
Fig.3a: Spot height rule
if: [ is neighbor (C,A)
is. neighbor (C,B)
is. closed (A), is closed (B)
is closed (C)
is enclosing (C,A)
is_enclosing (C,B) ]
elevation (A) = elevation (B)
Fig.3b: Equal elevation rule
if: [ is neighbor (A,B)
is closed (A)
is. closed (B)
is. enclosing (B,A) ]
Com then:
elevation (B) :
180 = elevation (A) - contour_interval
Fig.3c: Enclosing rule
Boundary Boundary
| |
A a
Bal LH I
Gee pere DE
A local peak (G and E) has only
one neighbor.
Fig.3d: Local peak rule
Levels of Problem Solving
In the A/D conversion process, various problems may be
solved at different levels, namely the raster level, the contour
tree level, and the topological level. The raster level is the
digitization of the relief plate by raster scanner. The contour
tree level is the phase of building undirected contour tree from a
raster image. The topographic level is the stage that applies
topological rules to label the contour tree.
In the raster level, basically all types of image processing
techniques can be employed to improve the quality of the
scanned image, given knowledge about the paper map. Noise
can be detected and eliminated. Small holes and discontinuities
of a contour line are filled and connected for a given threshold.
Smoothing and thinning are also possible (Musavi et. al.,
1988); (Drummond et. al., 1991). A special case exists when
the contour indexes are superimposed on the contour lines, then
separation and extraction of the index from the contour is
required (Yang, 1990).
In the contour tree level, errors in the relief plate such as the
merge of lines, and discontinuities of a line, can be detected by
checking the connectivity of the contour tree. Normally due to
the resolution of the scanner, cliff terrain is likely to create
merges. Practically speaking, a series of tests should be
conducted prior to the scanning process in order to select a
proper resolution power; the closer the lines, the greater the
resolution required. A locally symmetric graph pattern is the
criteria for detecting the correctness of cliff terrain. The
contour lines of a cliff are so merged that they usually cannot be
split easily. One suggested method is that of "line peeling'.
Figure 4 illustrates the method. The method begins by
matching the most outer in-coming left half contour line and
finds the corresponding (possibly the most outer) out-going
right half contour line. The pair of half contour lines are
temporary removed once it finds the match. This operation is
repeated until no more merges are found in the merged area.
find the most outdr
segment pair
peel the pair
repeat process
*: in-coming left segment
*%*: out-going right segment
Fig.4: Line peeling method to solve the merge
of contours
In the topological level, contour labeling is basically an iterative
process. In the first iteration; it starts at the most simplest
contour relation such as the peak rule, enclosing rule, or equal
elevation rule, to derive a unique solution for the contour.
Unique solution means that the elevation of this contour can be
uniquely defined. The second iteration will use the elevation
derived from the first iteration and so on. A consistency check
of the elevation is done at this level. A search path of the
contour tree from a high elevation node to a low elevation node
(or vice versa) supports the consistency check. Finally,
unsolvable contours are highlighted at this level. Unsolvable
contours are mostly caused by the non-closed nature of the
contour. There is no solution to labeling a non-closed contour
without utilization of additional information (such as
hydrology). A compromised suggestion is that the system
should provide information on where and how many height
information are required to label the undirected tree.