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Figure 2. Remotely-sensed (Landsat, SLAR and aerial
stereophotos) main recent and active faults of the
Ecuadorian Andes checked in the field. Histograms show
total number of remote-sensed faults (Y axis) versus
azimuth (X axis) for northern (A), central (B) and southern
(C) part of the area. Faults: 1 normal, 2 strike-slip, 3
oblique-reverse, 4 reverse, 5 pivotal, CCF
Cayambe-Chingual, LBF La Bonita, PF Paillatanga, A, B,
C and D referred in the text. Volcanoes: 6 Quaternary, 7
caldera, 8 collapse rim, VC Cayambe, VR Reventador, VA
Antisana, VCH Chimborazo. Boxes: square - figure 4;
rectangle = figure 5.
Seven main faults with paleoseismic characteristics in the
EA were discovered on satellite images. The
Cayambe-Chingual Fault (CCF in Fig. 2), named after
Tibaldi (1990), can be followed on the image for 76 km.
Along the majority of this fault trace, dislocation of river
streams and gouges can be measured (Fig. 3), giving a
mean value of 360 m. The high altitude of the studied
area, ranging between 2,000 and more than 4,000 m, is
consistent with the assumption that landforms were
inherited from the last main glacial pulses (11,000 + 1,000
yr BP for the areas > 3,800 m, 27,500 + 7,500 yr BP for
the areas > 3,000 m, Clapperton and Vera, 1986).
Considering that the majority of the CCF outcrops
between 2,700 and 3,500 m, its horizontal rate of tectonic
motions may be estimated to be 13 « 2.7 mm/y. The type
of faulting was strike-slip right-lateral, according to the
sense of river dislocation. The coregistration of this fault
trace on the topographical map shows that the analysis
on the satellite data is correct both for sense and amount
of dislocation (fig. 3 and 4). The same features were
discovered along the La Bonita fault (LBF in Fig. 2). Here
the Holocene fault motion rate is quite uncertain because
only two dislocation amounts have been measured (Fig.
Southward, only a segment of an active N-S fault was
recognized on satellite images (site A in Fig. 2). An
escarpment facing westward dislocates glacial
morphologies of the last pulse revealing relative upward
motions of the east block. Topographic data indicates
along this segment a total amount of vertical dislocation
of about 30 m (a rate of 2.7 + 0.2 mm/y).
More southward, the eastern Andes are occupied by
large volcanoes until the latitude of 2?S. South of this
area, a fault with the same characteristics of the CCF can
be traced for about 100 km. This fault, named Paillatanga
Fault after Winter and Lavenu (1989) (PF in Fig. 2), shows
an average dislocation of crests and river streams of 45
m (a rate of 4 + 0.3 mm/y) (Fig. 3). Motions were
strike-slip right-lateral and fault strike goes from NNE to
In the IV some N-S escarpments bordering depressed
areas infilled by alluvial or pyroclastic rocks have been
recognized on satellite images. The total amount of
vertical dislocation is of about 200 m for the fault labelled
B in Fig. 2, 150 m for C and 80 m for D.
Using radar images and aerial stereophotos other 36
active faults were discovered (Fig. 2). For example, the
segment A was recognized as belonging to a longer NNE
fault with a vertical dislocation diminishing northward and
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Figure 3. Examples of dislocations in meters (Y axis)
measured at different points along some main active
faults of the Ecuadorian Andes (X axis) on remote sensed
images (1 =Cayambe-Chingual Fault,2 =La Bonita Fault,
4 = Paillatanga Fault) and with topographical data
(3= Cayambe-Chingual Fault).