Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

seconds or minutes of each other, depending on the along-track 
angles. The orientation model may be simplified and the number 
of orientation parameters reduced, since the satellite orbit is 
common to both images. eg. ASTER & OMI. 
forward backward 
looking looking 
image image 
of flight 
Figure 2 - Along-track stereo viewing 
2.1. VNIR (Visibl Near Infrared Radiometer) on ASTE 
(Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Radiometer) 
The Japanese ASTER platform, will be carrying a 3 band 
Optical Sensor for Earth Observation (Arai, 1991). VNIR is a 
multispectral sensor covering visible and near infrared regions 
with a spatial resolution of 15m. The sensor will fly at an 
approximate altitude of 705 km imaging the Earth's surface 
with a 5,000 element linear CCD (Charged Coupled Device) 
sensor. This data is processed on-board, extracting 4,000 pixels 
from the full 5,000 pixels of imaged nadir and forward looking 
data. The forward looking sensor is set to a viewing angle of 
29.7", corresponding to a base to height ratio of approximately 
0.6 (Arai, 1991). 
2.2. OMI (Optical Mapping Instrument) 
The OMI instrument is expected to be flown in the late 1990s at 
an orbital altitude of approximately 824 km and inclination of 
98.7°. The baseline OMI design is for two views, one 20° 
forward off nadir and the other 20° backwards. For a total 
coverage of the Earth’s surface in a minimum time, an 
across-track capability of £20" will be introduced. The base to 
height ratio of the system is approximately 0.7. The sensor is 
composed of two 12,000 CCD linear arrays, with a 5m ground 
resolution (British Aerospace, 1991). 
Resources Satellite-1) 
The OPS is an electronic scan typed optical sensor to be flown 
on the JERS-1 System . The JERS-1 orbit is a sun synchronous 
orbit at 568 km height, with orbital inclination 97.7°. The 
sensor has a 4,096 CCD linear array with a 18.3 m range 
resolution, and 24.2 m resolution in azimuth. The stereo 
capability is obtained by a nadir and a 15.3° forward imaging 
sensor, with a base to height ratio of approximately 0.3 
(MIT/NASDA, 1990). 
Due to its dynamic nature, linear imagery has a distorted 
multiple plane perspective, and is unable to be orientated as a 
stereomodel obtained from two frame photographs. From 
previous studies carried out on SPOT data, it was concluded 
that the best models were obtained using the orbital parameters 
for the orientation plus the image header file. This approach also 
has the advantage of minimizing the ground control data needed. 
Consequently, the following orbital method was adopted for the 
orientation of along-track stereo imagery. 
The geocentiic coordinate system was adopted to avoid 
problems of map projection discontinuities, as well as to reduce 
the number of formulae, and hence run time. For continuity, the 
position of the sensor in space is also described in geocentric 
coordinates (Xs,Ys,Zs), which can be computed for each image 
line. The image coordinates system (x,y,z) is such that x is the 
number of lines in the image along the direction of flight, y is 
the number of samples in the across-track direction, and z is the 
principal distance of the camera, perpendicular to the image 
(Figure 3). The only measurement of time available is x, which 
is used to describe time-orientation relationships. However, 
since the image is linear, x is assigned to zero, while z always 
takes the value -f, where f is the principal distance of the 
P - perigee 
S - satellite 
Figure 3 - Orbital parameters and geocentric system 
The algorithm uses Eulerian parameters ( a, ¢, i, £2, ®, F) to fix 
the position of the satellite in space (figure 3) where a is the 
semi-major axis, e the eccentricity, i the inclination, Q the 
longitude, w the argument of perigee and F is the true anomaly 
of the orbit. The elliptical orbit is modelled (using these 
parameters) using the rotation matrix Ro (Equations 1 to 4). 
R,=Rp Ry Ro (1) 
Xs=R, D @) 
D=(0,0,r)T 3) 
rza(1-e2)/(1-e:cosF) (4) 
I 5 

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