An along-track stereopair can be orientated using as few as 3
control points per image, providing 12 observation equations,
for the 11 parameter solution. The number of control points may
be decreased if a poorer orientation is adopted, for example
when 2 control points per image are used, then a 7 parameter
orientation is possible with some redundancy.
It has been shown (O'Neill et al, 1989) that better results may
be obtained if on-board recorded information is used. The
algorithm automatically takes an a priori precision of the
measurements, the control used in the orientation plus
information recorded during flight. Initial information of the
start values is used to form a weighting matrix. Currently, the
algorithm implemented uses information in an auxiliary data file
with additional information being provided by the user.
Tests in order to study the precision of the orbital model
described above were performed. The data used was simulated
since no satellite along-track stereo data is presently available.
Two sets of SPOT data covering a region in south-east France
(about 200 per 600 km), available at UCL(P&S) (Veillet,
1991), were used to calculate the orbital parameters of a vertical
theoretical SPOT-like orbit.
The simulated image coordinates of 106 ground points were
computed using equation 10 and their known geocentric
coordinates. The iterative process was run for two different
along-track viewing angles, terminating when a correction
smaller than 0.001mm was encountered for x=0 (this correlates
to an error smaller than 0.1 line/sample).
Xa - Xs
Y |=--RnRaRo| Ya- Ys (10)
4j: Z a - Zs
À first set of images simulate backward and forward angles of
26°, emulating a SPOT-like along-track stereopair with a base to
height ratio of approximately 1. À second simulation calculated
both ASTER-like, OMI and OPS sensor data. All simulations
used Westin’s variogram (Westin, 1991), which models the
variation of the attitude parameters with time. À pseudo-error
with standard deviation 0.5 line/sample was added to the
simulated data, as an average error of half a pixel of
identification ia the points on the image may be assumed.
In the OEEPE tests (Dowman et al, 1991) it was concluded that
the results underwent only small variations when more than six
control points were used in the orientation. Hence, six points
were chosen from the simulated data for ground control, the
other one huncred points being used for checking purposes.
The scenes were orientated using the control configuration
shown in figure 5, with the control distribution of the terrain
being chosen such that it would cover all types of relief possible
and would be well distributed for better orientation.
. e e e e .
e e e
e 9 e e
e 9
© e €. e. e
6 cpts 5 cpts 4 cpts 3 cpts 2 cpts
Figure 5 - Control configuration used in the tests
The same configuration was used to orientate the different sets
of simulated data. The root mean square(rms) of the errors
obtained with the check data are presented in tables 2, 3, 4 and
5. The 2 control points models were run using only 7
orientation parameters, plus At . The only attitude parameter
variation with time considered in the computation was that of
pitch due to its larger effect on height, and the bias in roll being
fixed using the attitude file information. The models respective
precisions were evaluated by comparing the UTM (Universal
Transverse Mercator) coordinates calculated after orientation, to
the known simulated coordinates of the 100 check points not
used in the model processing.
The precisions obtained using the SPOT-like along-track
stereopair (10 m pixel resolution) are given in table 2.
Analogous results for the ASTER (15 m pixel resolution), OMI
(5 m pixel resolution) and OPS (18.3x24.1 m pixel resolution)
are given in tables 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
Number of rms of errors found in UTM (m)
control points E N H 3D
6 S.2 5.3 5.9 9.5
S 7.0 6.5 7.6 12.2
4 7.0 6.5 7.6 12.2
3 8.7 5.1 9.4 13.8
2 10.1 6.7 8.8 15.0
Table 2 - Precision obtained for a SPOT-like simulated orbit
with along-track stereo viewing (10m pixel resolution).
Number of rms of errors found in UTM (m)
control points E N H 3D
7.9 8.6 19.6 | 22.8
9.1 10.4 17.8 22.5
9.1 10.4 17.8 22.5
73 14.2 194 | 23.4
6.9 6.7 24.5 29.1
Table 3 - Precision obtained using ASTER simulated data
(15m pixel resolution).