The requirement of industrial data production implies
the integration of the tools described above in a
hardware and software environment including all
steps of a production line from initial data input to
sending of the final product.
Such an environment is operated by ISTAR since
The hardware configuration is based on a network of
UNIX workstations, 10 Gbytes of SCSI disk storage
and various I/O devices (CCT, streamer and 8 mm
cartridges tapes drives).
The software environment is built on a raster/vector
processing kernel with advanced visualization
capabilities and a semi-automatic graphic editor.
Features data are extracted from orthoimages
produced by ISTAR altimetric production line (ref.
Since 1991, ten SPOT scenes have been processed.
The cartographic data produced cover approximately
30 000 km“ mainly in Europe and Middle-East
This first experience provides a good estimation of
production costs:
Land cover extraction from a geocoded SPOT scene
(~ 3000 km?) requires about 1 man-week, whatever
the density of features is.
For the same input, networks extraction requires
from 1 to 1.5 man-week, slightly depending on the
features density.
The joint availability of high resolution raster data
from SPOT or LANDSAT TM, and powerful
geographic information systems (GIS), has induced
demand for a new concept: data conversion from
raster to planimetric vectors files fit for use in GIS.
The new product has to preserve the same marketing
features as original data, that is set prices and
delays. This is possible only if a computer assistance
is supplied.
In order to quickly settle a computer assisted
production line, we have designed a two level
interactive system:
- High level tasks, implying semantic data analysis,
are managed by human operators.
- Low level tasks, requiring a lot of accurate data
processing, are done by the computer.
The performances allow the commercial production
of cartographic data bases.
Future upgrades will tend to increase automation of
networks extraction, especially in aerial images with
higher resolution.
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