i asl (11)
X tanp, nl ra
2.2 Analytical Representation of Lati
From equation (4) we can get the first
transformation equation of the latitude
K(x?^«v?) - (z--hY- s
K = (sinV,-h)/cosV,
This equation represents the curve of
intersection of the circular cone whose
vertex is the center of projection C and
its base is the latitude V, with the
cylindrical surface of the film. By
substitution in (8) and (9) we deduce
the panoramic equation of the latitudes
s. y* = =
X sf cos? (=) (K2+1) -1 (12)
2.3 Representation of The Panoramic Map
Figure(6) shows the panoramic map in
which the longitude and latitudes are
illustrated according to the equations
(11) and (12) respectively. The lati-
tudes which satisfy the inequality:
V, €& V, € n/2, where V. sin! (1/h)
are represented on the map. The latitude
which corresponds to V, is known as the
envelope curve of the map.
2.4 Location of Points From The Panoram-
ic Map
If the panoramic coordinates (X"',Y') of
any point P' are known, then its corre-
sponding point P,(U, ,V, ) on the globe can
be determined from the equations (11)
and (12) or approximately directly from
the panoramic map.
2.5 The General Panoramic Map
In the general panoramic projection the
axis of the camera is in arbitrary posi-
tion w.r.t the geographical axis of the
globe. To get the corresponding trans-
formation equations in this case we have
to change the direction of axes of ref-
erence without changing the origin O.
Let the new system of axes be (X',Y',Z')
and the direction cosines of OX',OY',
and e referred to the original axes be
(L, » ,N, ) : (L ,M,,N,), and (L MN).
Then the coordinates of the deu px
Z") referred to the original sys em
ive be;
X LX FLY * L 2
Y, = M x", * M, Y' + M, Zz’, (13)
a Y ' Y
Z -N X, *NY,tNZ,
9 >t
Fig. 4. The panoramic mapping
E. Ye
o* 5
Fig.5. The panoramic photograph.