Joseph Forrai
Chief, Research Division and Department of Photogrammetry
Survey of Israel
ISPRS Commission IV
With the improvement of productivity and the accuracy of analytical photogrammetry, new tasks have
arisen. Large volume of very accurate, large scale, digital maps, are demanded by architects and civil
engineers, and the geographic and land information systems require creation of up-to-date data bases.
Consequently, photogrammetric mapping requires accurate, rapid and economic ground control more than
ever before.
The GPS gives a very satisfactory answer for the increasing control demands. The author feels, that
there are a number of coincidences between the GPS - and the photogrammetric philosophies. The analogies
are reviewed in the paper.
For illustrating the wide range of applications, two photogrammetric GPS control networks are presented.
One was designed for large-scale urban mapping for engineering purposes; the other is pilot project of a
global, homogeneous control network for medium- and small-scale mapping and remote sensing, mainly aimed
at the establishment of the topographic data base of our National Geographic Information System. The
results achieved are briefly analyzed and discussed.
KEY WORDS: GPS, Ground Control, Digital Mapping, Photogrammetry.
The increase of GPS applications is quite
surprising. A few years ago GPS was considered a When choosing control points for photogrammetry,
revolutionary (but rather expensive!) means for measured by any traditional method, the following
high order geodetic network densification, and - requirements must be fulfilled:
perhaps - for solving some difficult problems of
different geoscience ramifications. Few of us a. Appropriate configuration from photogrammetric
thought seriously, that within a few years, GPS point of view (control for model, strip or
would dramatically break the bounds of higher block).
geodesy and unhinderedly enter into the most
usual, day-to-day surveying practice (Adler, b. Appropriate configuration from geodetic point
1985). of view (intervisibility with other geodetic
control points).
The ground control for photogrammetry is one of
the most successful GPS surveying applications. c. Well identifiable site for photogrammetric
Let's try to give some reasons why. measurements (exact three dimensional reading
ih in a photogrammetric instrument).
KINSHIP IN FIGURATIONS d. Suitable situation from aerial photographic
point of view ("open sky").
The "central receiver" of the photogrammetric
procedure is the aerial camera. The aerial base The simultaneous fulfillment of the above
vector (b) is determined by the relative and postulates makes the field activity complicated
"absolute" camera positions in two exposure by any classical way of measurements. But not by
moments. Two ground located GPS receivers are in GPS! As no intervisibility is required between
a similar mutual position. The so-called position ground points (paragraph 'b' can be omitted), the
(or base) vector (d) is a result of the relative choice of the suitable site becomes incredibly
and "absolute" position fix of the two GPS flexible including the very important requirement
receivers. of paragraph 'c'. The requirement of the "open
sky" stays relevant, as a trivial demand both for
The spatial configuration is somewhat alike in photo and GPS techniques.
both cases (Figure 1). The disparity is, that in
photogrammetry the control points are located on 4. GEODETIC CONSIDERATIONS
the ground and the base vector is "in the sky";
in GPS, inversely, the base vector is situated on After fulfilling the field requirements, what are
the ground and the control points -the the further geodetic aspects of a: good
satellites- are located "in the sky". In both photogrammetric control ?
systems there is a relative motion between the
"central receiver" and "control points". (As a. Sufficient geometry for the horizontal
forward motion in photogrammetry, the consequent geodetic - photogrammetric control point
doppler effect is also compensated for in GPS!) configuration.
The theoretical ground for base vector b. Very good inner agreement for horizontal and
determination, both in photogrammetry and GPS, is vertical photogrammetric control.
spatial resection, demanding certain additional
mathematical manipulations for complete solution.
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