Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

Table 1 Precision and accuracy measures for Kratky's SPOT model using different versions 
RMS of control points [m] Number RMS of check points [m] 
Version" t of 
» X Y Z check X Y Z 
L6 6.1 2,7 21 3.6 130 8.6 10.0 14.0 
Q6 8.8 23 0.5 4.0 130 8.7 9.7 16.0 
L10 M 5.4 23 3.0 37 126 8.8 9.1 11.5 
Q10 S 51 2.5 21 33 126 8.8 8.9 11.8 
L30 6.0 4.2 3.6 42 106 8.5 9.1 11.4 
Q30 6.0 4.2 3.4 4.3 106 8.5 9.1 11.3 
L6 5.6 1.4 2.9 1.0 130 8.9 10.9 12.0 
Q6 3.8 1.0 0.2 1.4 130 8.9 10.3 14.1 
L10 us 52 2.0 33 3.5 126 9.0 10.3 6.3 
Q10 8 4.1 1.7 1.8 3.1 126 9.1 9.9 6.4 
L30 6.0 4.0 4.2 4.7 106 9.3 9.3 7.0 
Q30 5.7 3.8 39 4.3 106 9.5 9.3 7.0 
MT an seeeeeesececténes linear and quadratic model respectively 
Y Sg Eee a posteriori standard deviation of unit weight 
FMA dias pixel coordinates in second image measured manually 
M*mateh.........-—- pixel coordinates in second image measured by least squares matching 
After the strict SPOT model is estimated the PMFs are 
derived by the following approach (Figure 2). A5 x 5 
regular grid is defined in the left image. By using the 
results of the rigorous solution and three heights (the 
minimum and maximum of the scene, and their average), 
map coordinates for 75 object points are computed. 
These are projected in the right image again using the 
rigorous solution. By using the known coordinates in all 
three spaces, the coefficients of polynomial functions to 
map from image to image, image to object, and object to 
image space (in both directions, i.e. 6 polynomials 
altogether) are computed by least squares adjustment. 
Thereby, the object space is reduced to two dimensions 
by extracting the elevation, i.e. Z is an independent 
parameter connecting all three spaces. One polynomial is 
computed for each coordinate to be determined, and for 
the mappings involving the object space separate 
polynomials are determined for left and right image. The 
degree of the transformation, the number and the form of 
needed terms were determined experimentally. The 
degree of the polynomials is 3 - 4 with 11 - 16 terms. 
Kratky provides for each mapping two sets of 
polynomials, a basic and an extended. The extended has 
two more terms involving mainly powers of y or Y. It 
should be used if the quadratic model was used in the 
rigorous solution. If the linear model was used, then the 
basic polynomials suffice. A similar, although less 
accurate, approach with five, instead of three, heights is 
also used by the algorithm of the company TRIFID which 
is integrated in the Intergraph Digital Photogrammetric 
Station 6287 for SPOT modelling and digital orthophoto 
In our tests the PMFs (basic model) were determined 
after the previously mentioned rigorous solution with the 
linear model, 10 control points and the matching 
measurements. The pixel and object coordinates of the 
136 points were determined by the PMFs and compared 
to their known values. The differences did not exceed 1 
m in object and 1 jum in image space, thus verifying 
Kratky's results. The accuracy of PMFs was also tested 
by another method. By using the image to image PMFs 
and three out of the four pixel coordinates 
(x', y', x", y") of each point, the heights can be 
determined and compared to the known values. This was 
done for the triplets (x',y', x"), (x",y",x), 
(x, y, y"), (x",y", y). The last two cases gave 
RMS errors of ca. 135 m, which is not surprising since 
the image base is approximately in the x direction. The 
first two cases gave the same RMS of 6.2 m which is 
identical to the results of the rigorous solution. 
Having established that the PMFs are fast and accurate 
enough the next step was their integration in image 
matching for DTM generation. 
Automatic DTM generation from SPOT images has been 
extensively pursued and is particularly attractive for 
poorly mapped countries. Many algorithms have been 
developed but none exploits geometric information from 
the SPOT sensor to guide and support the matching. A

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