Vd V4 Wa VW UC € ND VW ONE —-—
p" e ed "6 e
- z= image 2
S p —
N= Foy)
x"= F(E,N,h
y- HEN
(Zmin + Zmax) / 2 L EE
Lus À LT
object space
Figure 2 Derivation of fast polynomial mapping functions
reason for that is the fact that the SPOT sensor is linear
and thus the perspective relations are valid only within an
image line. It was often stated that the epipolar geometry
does not exist for SPOT images and that resampling to
epipolar images requires a DTM. However, strictly
speaking the epipolar geometry does not even exist for
frame cameras (which is why most bundle adjustment
programs use additional parameters). So, the aim of our
investigations was to check to what extent by using
Kratky's PMFs an epipolar geometry could be
To check that, the following approach was used. A height
error AZ (two versions; AZ = 50 m and 100 m) was
added and subtracted to the known heights of the 136
points. For each point, these two erroneous heights and
the image to image PMFs were used to transform the
pixel coordinates of the left image in two points in the
right image. They defined a straight line which passed
through the known correct pixel coordinates of the point.
The question that had to be answered was whether by
arbitrarily changing the height, the projection by using
PMFs of the left point in the right image would fall on
this straight line, i.e. whether this straight line was the
epipolar line (Figure 3). Thus, the known height was
sequentially incremented by 25 m in positive and
negative direction (leading to object points like P, in
Figure 3), and the projection of the left point in the right
image and its distance from the straight line were
computed. This distance is a measure of deviation from
straight epipolar lines. The results for all 136 points are
listed in Table 2. The results are identical for both
versions of AZ, and for positive and negative increments.
As it can be seen from the table a deviation of 0.25 pixels
is reached only with a height error of over 7 km! Since
such errors are impossible, even more for matching
which requires good approximations in order to be
successful, straight epipolar lines can be assumed.
Table 2 Deviations from a straight epipolar line for
different height errors
Threshold of | Mean Z error to Standard
: deviation of Z
distance to the reach the error to reach
straight line threshold threshold
[pixel] [km]
0.25 7.44 0.15
0.5 10.53 021
1 14.90 0.30
2 21.08 0.42
The above knowledge was used to modify the Multiphoto
Geometrically Constrained Matching (Baltsavias, 1992)
for automatic DTM generation. The points to be matched
were selected in one of the two images (reference image).
For each point, by using a height approximation and an
error AZ as above, the epipolar line in the other image
was determined. If only approximations for the pixel
coordinates exist, then a height approximation can be
derived by the image to image PMFs from the pixel
coordinates of the point in the reference image and the x
pixel coordinate in the other image. Weighted geometric
constraints force the matching to search for a
corresponding point only along the epipolar line. This
reduction of the search space from 2-D to 1-D increases
the success rate and reliability of the matching results.