The results profile the implications of importing raster data into the
vector domain of a GIS and importing vector data into the raster
environment of an IAS. = The effects of the various data
transformations with respect to geographic accuracy is addressed.
There is a obstacle with some GISs, in that, there are limitations in
the software. Most GISs have a practical limit in terms of the
number of elements that can be addressed in a single coverage.
While this limit is generally large, it is still a limit. This leads one to
consider the complexity of an image. That is, is the coverage
going to exceed the limits of the software ? More and more, this
is becoming a bottleneck for analysis. Many researchers must
devise creative solutions to deal with these inherent software
limitations. Occasionally, these limits are practical, rather than
physical. That is, they reflect the hardware limits more than the
software restrictions. Hardware limitations include disk storage
capacity and processing speed. By increasing either of these, the
user is faced with increasingly cost-ineffective solutions to their
Since feature extraction is concerned with the simplification of
highly complex information, it follows that the actual process
involved is likewise highly complex. The simplest solution to this
problem is to first stratify the complex data and then perform the
feature extraction procedure. Image classification is just such a
stratification scheme, albeit a complex one. In a simple case, we
Observe a standard 8 bit image channel to have 256 possible digital
values. Imagine the increased complexity by adding further
channels. Conversely, consider the case where the original image
can be stratified, through a supervised classification technique, to
a mere 11 classes. The task of feature extraction becomes
considerably easier.
Because we have stratified the data into a number of desired
classes, we have some control over how the individual pixels
become classified. This implies that the number of potential
artifacts that could result from the feature extraction process is
minimized. In a homogeneous field, the number of misclassified
pixels is minimal. However, in a heterogeneous field, the potential
number of misclassified pixels increases. Thus, obviously, one
could expect quite a few artifacts from a heterogeneous field, and
little, if any, from a homogeneous field.
The procedure of extracting vector features from a raster theme
image is currently still in the research phase (O'Brien (1991), Taylor
et al. (1991). Experiments are going on that are scene and
situation specific, and thus can not be applied to a general case.
Progress is being made in this field, but results must be taken with
a grain of salt (Taylor (1991)). There are semi-automated
procedures for feature extraction that are being used, but they
require considerable operator input (Zelek (1990), Van
Cleynenbreugel et al. (1990)). For example, a feature is identified
by an operator and at a certain point the extraction or recognition
algorithm takes over. This sort of procedure generally produces
more reliable results than the fully automated procedures, but at
the cost of greater operator interaction. Currently rule-based
feature extraction techniques use operator expertise and knowledge
of a specific site to aid in the extraction process (e.g. Van
Cleynenbreugel, 1990). Although one would expect this approach
to yield the most robust results, it is not always possible to have
such in-depth knowledge of a study site. In cases where
knowledge of a specific site is not known, the extraction algorithm
must proceed without the benefit of any additional information.
A common feature extraction application is image segmentation.
Image segmentation refers to the selection of linear features from
an image. Typically, segmentation is used to select road features
from an image. |t is understood that pixel resolution has a
profound effect on the ability of a feature extraction algorithm to
pick out specific elements (Van Cleynenbreugel et al. (1990)). By
increasing the resolution of the pixel, the feature being sensed is
more truly represented, and is, therefore, more easily recognized.
Feature extraction algorithms seek out regions of homogeneity.
There is far more information in a digital image than can be seen
with the naked eye. Image segmentation algorithms are designed
to seek out a specific element and identify it as such. The end
result is that, often, image artifacts or noise are extracted in
addition to the desired elements. This noise can be dealt with
through spatial filtering techniques or by selecting elements that
meet a certain criteria and subsequently deleting them. In images
where regions of homogeneity are fuzzy, a data stratification
approach must be adopted.
Abstracting vector data to a raster representation is a different
matter, and is generally more straightforward. The procedure in