0 1 KM
A Horizontal control point
Q vertical control point
€ New GPS point for aerial triangulation frame
Figure 2. GPS frame for aerial triangulation, controlling an engineering project.
square error, including the eight control points
within a one point fixed adjustment, is +0.025 m
in total position and +0.021 m in height. (The
maximum m.s.e. in position is +0.041 m, and in
height is +0.034 m).
After completing an aerial triangulation for 40
models, situated in 4 strips (average scale is
1:6,000), one model was chosen - randomly - for a
test. Nine premarked signals and fourteen, well
identified details were measured in the field by
the combination of GPS and total station, based
on the GPS frame of the aerial triangulation.
Subsequently, the measured signals and details
were read by five different operators in five
different stereoplotters (Wild SD-2000 and ADAM
ASP-2000), when the orientation of the model was
based on the appropriate model control (pricked
on diapositives) previously determined by aerial
triangulation. The comparison between field
measurements and single readings in
stereoplotters is given in tables 1 and 2. The
differences between geodesy and photogrammetry,
in absolute sense, both for premarked signals and
identified details are smaller then 0.045 m in
position and 0.08 m in height, (with clear
systematic character). The accuracies (m.s.e. of
a single geodesy-photogrammetry difference) are:
for premarked signals 40.06 m in position and
10.07 m in height, for identified details +0.12 m
in position and 20.08 m in height. Presumable,
that the general accuracy of the field geodetic
measurements were, both in position and height,
on a +0.03-0.05 meter level.
6.2 National GIS - Topoqraphic Data Base
In 1991 a meaningful decision was made at the
Survey of Israel to create the topographic data
base of the national geographic information
system by digital photogrammetric remapping of
the country (Peled et al., 1991). The chosen
photo scale is 1:40,000 for most of the regions.
The pilot - the digital mapping of a nearly 40X40
km area - is just being in execution. The
absolute accuracy standards for the well
identifiable mapped details are rather rigorous:
2 meters in position and 2 meters in height for
the mapped details. Aerial triangulation was
carried out for the block, composed of 81 models
in 8 strips. From geodetic point of view, the
aerial triangulation was controlled, mainly, by
existing and identified third (or higher) order
classical triangulation points and benchmarks.
The first results show, that horizontal accuracy
is sufficient - but not the vertical one. The
height accuracy is regionally inhomogeneous and
differences between geodetic and photogrammetric
heights exceed the standard, sometimes by 30-50%.
The clear consequence is that the control frame
for aerial triangulation must be completely
measured by GPS. This method will ensure both
local and global accuracy and harmony along this
important, national dimensioned project.
GPS is the best tool today for geodetic control
of digital photogrammetric mapping. It is fully
digital in its nature, efficient, sure, rapid,
accurate and relatively inexpensive. Until the
subdecimeter accurate airborne GPS receiver,
combined with some kind of cheep inertial system,
will reduce or totally cancel the need of ground
control (Baustert et al., 1991; Cannon et al.,
1991; Dorrer and Schwiertz, 1990), GPS will be
undoubtedly dominant in this activity.
The assistance of the personnel of the Research,
Photogrammetry and Field Divisions of the Survey
of Israel is appreciated. Particular thanks to
Ron Adler, Yossi Melzer and Sari Grossman for
their support. Thanks to Mapping Technologies
LTD., Armi Grinstein Geodetic Engineering LTD.,
and other private firms for their contribution to
the paragraph 6.1.