À Photomap of China with NO
Huang Qian (Lecturer?
Remote Sensing Lab. China University of Geosciences
Wuhan, Hubei, 430074 P.R.China
ISPRS Commission IV. WG.1V/2
HuangRentao (Professor), ZhangXinchang (Lecturer)
Department of Mapping
Wuhan Technican University of Survey and Mapping
Wuhan, Hubei, 450070 P.R.China
ISPRS Commission IV. WG.1V/2
LaiRongqing (Engineer
ZhuHuiming (Engineer)
Guangzhou Satellite Meteorological Ground Station
Guangzhou, Guangbohg, 510640 P.R.China
ISPRS Commission IV WG.IV/2
A low-cost and quick mapping technigue on near-
synchronous, small-scale and macrocosm is developed
using digital NOAA/AVHRR data. The photomap of China
on the scale of 1:4,000,000, is made from imagery
and symbol base maps according to cartographic
techniques strictly. The false color composite of
AVHRR thermal infrared, near infrared and visible
red channels is used to provide much information and
colourful tones. The data processing include map
projection transformation, image enhancement both on
contrast stretch and image sharpening, color balance
adjustment, cloud removing, separated processing of
land and sea, modification of image seasonal aspect
with vegetation index image and mosaic. The data was
received by the meteorological satellite ground
station in Guangzhou in the late autumn and the
early winter from 1988 to 1991. This is the first
small-scale, integrated and standard color photomap
in China, especially it contains the whole South
China Sea that is rather difficult or expensive to
use other remotely sensed data such as Landsat or
SPOT. Geographic element, map symbo! and lettering
were selected and designed carefully considering the
finial load of the photomap content and vision
effect. This photomap is very useful not only in
remote sensing or geosciences application but also
in many other fields.
Key words: Cartography Image Processing Mapping
Space Imagery NOAA/AVHRR Photomap
Photomap is an important field in cartography. Most
of photomap were made with erath resource satellite
system, such as Landsat or SPOT. But, for mapping
a small-scale photomap, it is often neglected that
NOAA AVHRR, sometimes, is a suitable and low-cost
mapping data source of remote sensing. !n China, it
is impossible to use Landsat MSS or TM data for
mapping the integral China. There are two reasons.
The first is absence of the data of South China Sea
and the parts of Northwest and Southwest China
because of the limited ground receiving radius of
the remote sensing satellite ground station in
Beijing. The second is higher cost for processing
So much data if a digital mosaic operation is
performed. AVHRR is an easy-obtained, low-cost and
high view frequency remote sensing data although its
ground resolution is lower (1100 meters in nadir).
Its larg view field and related small data volume
are advantageous to the digital mapping operation
economically. Also, the high view frequency of
AVHRR is useful to get a high quality and cloud-
free image with a cloud removing technology.
Therefore, a high quality, near-synchronous and
low-cost photomap on small scale can be achieved.
The photomap was designed and made according to
the national cartographic standard strickly.
Albers equal-area projection was used as the
mathematical foundation. The two paral lel
latitudes were located in northern latitude 25
and 47 degrees respectively as well as most
published map of China. Geographic elements, map
symbols and letterings were selected and designed
careful ly considering the finial load of the map
content and vision effect. Three of AVHRR
channels, thermal infrared channel 4, near
infrared channel 2 and visible red channel 1, that
were assigned to red, green and blue color
respectively, were used to form a false color
composite image. This composite fashion is more
colorful than the general standard composite with
near infrared and visible bands only. The process
of digital image processing ensured a smooth
mosaic without any artificial marks and the
precise, artistic image base map (See Fig. 1).
This is the first step in cartography of photomap.
The most of image data was collected by Guangzhou
satellite meteorological ground station and the
other was from Xinjiang and Beijing ground
stations. The receiving period was selected in the
autumn and the early winter from the end of 1988
to the early 1991. In consideration of the ground
resolution of AVHRR and the finial image
subjective quality of the photomap on the scale of
1:4,000,000, China was divided into 64 subimages
that each was the size of 512 by 512 pixels and 32
pixels overlap to adjacent ones. These subimages
were encoded according to their geographic
locations so that the multitemporal and registered
image data were obtained to remove cloud cover or
improve the image quality by combination. Most of
the image were restricted within about 1024 pixels
wide on a satellite nadir path in order to avoid
the degradation of the image resolution on the
sides of a path. The original AVHRR data was
converted from 10-bit to 8-bit byte for display.
Normally, the lower 8 bits of the original data
* the project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)