should be able to use different DOI for the position and the
attitude orientation parameters.
The simulations were carried out using the following values:
DOI flight time number of OI
12 km 1.7 sec 40
23 km 3.2 sec 20
160 km 22.5 sec 4
3.2 Results
In order to present the results of the different computation
versions in a compact form the root-mean-square (rms)
values ux, (planimetry) and u, (height) of the theoretical
standard deviations of the object point coordinates 0,,0,,0;
are calculated. They are computed from the inverted
normal equation matrix and the a posteriori reference
variance 6,?. Because the simulations are performed with
generated error-free observations, the a priori o,? is used
instead of the a posteriori 6, . The a priori o, is chosen as
equal to the standard deviations of the image coordinates.
This means, that the accuracy estimates are valid for the a
priori assumed precision of the observations.
The presentation and discussion of the results are
subdivided in two parts:
a) the results of the single strip adjustments, assuming
normal (bay down) flight attitude of the shuttle
(standard flight configurations) and
b) the results assuming non-standard flight
configurations, i. e.
30? cross inclination of the camera carrier or
simultaneous adjustment of two crossing strips with
different intersection angles (5°, 30°, 55°).
3.2.1 Standard flight configurations In Figures 4 and 5
the rms values u,xy and u, of all 3-ray point coordinates are
shown graphically with the following abbreviations:
» 12 km, 23 km, 160 km:
distances between orientation images,
» error-free (0m/Omgrad), 1m/5mgrad, 2m/10mgrad:
standard deviations of the position and attitude data
(relative accuracy),
» no observ.:
no observations for the position and attitude data,
4 error-free XYZ GCP,
125 XY GCP (0=25m) and a DTM (0=>50 m) as ground
control information.
Breaks in the graphic representations mean, that the
respective values are not given true to scale.
First, the rms values for the theoretical accuracy limits of
the object point coordinates, which are achieved if the
exterior orientation parameters of all images are treated as
error-free observations, can be seen in the Figures 4 and 5.
For 3-ray points these values are:
a) py = 1.4 m, uz; = 61m
for 4 XYZ GCP (error-free);
b) Hxy 7 4.5 m, uz — 5.1 m.
for 125 XY GCP (o=25m) and DTM (o=50m).
rms values u(XY)
Fig. 4: Rms values uxy for different standard deviations of
the exterior orientation parameters, ground control
information and distances between orientation images
Fig. 5: Rms values yu, for different standard deviations of the
exterior orientation parameters, ground control information
and distances between orientation images
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