Image understanding, easily performed by human
operators, is the bottle-neck in automatizing
photogrammetry. The traditional approach for
automated interpretation is to describe each object
with a number of descriptive attributes. Their values
are compared with values of a prototype, stored in a
model base. This approach is realistic when only a
small number of parameters is necessary to describe
each object in an unique way. It is always possible to
develop a procedure that nearly perfectly interprets a
test-image with respect to a certain task-domain. How-
ever such a method is often developed by an exhaus-
tive trial-and-error process and therefore it relies
heavily on characteristics of the test-image, like types
and manifestation of objects. If these characteristics
are stable, the procedure may operate successfully on
future similar images. Interpretation of images that
even just slightly deviate from the prototype tends to
fail. The assumed stability of conditions is realistic in
industrial environments. Typical in an industrial
environment is the limited number of objects in object
space and their isolated location.
Interpretation of aerial images is a very hard task, due
to the following characteristics of the image:
* Objects in images of natural scenes need to be em-
bedded in more extensive contexts, rather than
treating them as independent objects. Many objects,
like bridges and fly-overs, receive their meaning in
the context in which they appear. So we need
recognized objects to create a context for the inter-
pretation of other objects.
* The same type of objects can appear in a wide
range of representations in an aerial photograph. So
it is very difficult to build a prototype that des-
cribes each type of objects unambiguous.
Moreover the definition of an object is task-domain
dependent. Additionally the appearance of one and
the same object is not stable, due to changes in
recording circumstances, like sun angle and season.
So, in images of natural scenes the assumption about
stability is violated, resulting in poor results for
images that even just slightly differ from the test
image. Consequently the traditional trial-and-error
procedures are unsuited for solving the interpretation
problem of aerial images completely.
The need of context to interpret images of complex
object spaces, brings us to the conclusion that a multi-
stage recognition procedure is required. That means, in
simple terms, that a small part of the image may
already have been recognized, while other parts of the
image are still in the raw image data stage. The recog-
nized parts influence or may even guide the further
recognition process.
Because of the variability in appearance of objects, we
need an integration of different segmentation tech-
niques, guided by a control level. Hence we adopt the
usual two level approach (Nazif and Levine, 1984;
Tenenbaum, 1973). The task of the low level is
segmentation and the high level's task is interpretation
of these results.
Interpretation at the high level may be looked at as a
process of hypotheses generation, testing and updating.
For all possible changes that a road may undergo,
hypotheses should be generated.
Testing these hypotheses means following a path in a
tree with many branches, where at each branchpoint
one has to take a decision which branch to follow. It
is our believe that the path should depend on the
characteristics of the data, the type of object and the
task domain. In this way knowledge from different
sources is integrated.
During the interpretation process new knowledge
becomes available, derived from the image data.
Consequently hypotheses have to be updated during
the interpretation process. Therefore the condition part
of the decision rule, examined at each branchpoint,
should not be fixed, so it can be adapted. Parameters,
like the values of thresholds, need to be determined
during the interpretation process. Our idea is to use the
a priori information present in the database, to deter-
mine among others initial values of these parameters.
The order of hypotheses testing is also of importance,
introducing the problem of the creation of a
hypotheses hierarchy.
The next sections will describe how the multi stage
and two level approach can be used for automatized
road updating.
3.1 Multi-stage approach
The concept that different parts of the image are in
different stages of processing, requires a strategy to
guide the major steps of the hypotheses hierarchy. It is
task-specific and depends on input and required out-
put. Our input is a road database of the old situation
and a scanned aerial photograph of the present
The basic real-world knowledge of our strategy is that
roads form a connected network. A network can be
considered as a graph, consisting of nodes and arcs
between nodes. Nodes are for example crossings and
fly-overs. Arcs are road segments that start and end in
a different node or at the side of the image.
Using the multi-stage approach, arcs and nodes will be
extracted in different stages of the process. Arcs have
features that are easier to extract than features of
nodes. Features of nodes are also more dependent of
the type of node. Hence arcs are examined first in
each step of the strategy, which in fact is an interpre-
tation of road segments. They create a context for
interpretation of nodes, so a hypothesis for the location
and type of the node can then be made. This simplifies
segmentation and interpretation of the nodes.