5.1 Roads
Segmentation by "original minus median" gave a noisy result
with a lot of small pixel segments. The smallest segments
were deleted by the noise filters. In addition, the method is
extremely sensitive to the threshold level. Only level 131
gave acceptable results. The template matching method was
not sensitive to the threshold level and contained much less
noise. However, the lines were wider using this method. We
selected the template matching result for further processing.
The result of map-guided detection is shown in fig. 4. While
interpretating the image, the feature image and profile
analysis was used 73% of the time, the binary image was
used in the remaining 27%. 76% of the roads were
recognized. From the 24% not recognized 16% can be
eliminated as noise (small parts a few pixels long which were
not detected due to poor contrast or too large map
generalization). This noise could be removed by
postprocessing. The remaining 8% should be controlled
visually by the user. Two larger road sections were not
recognized for reasons of poor contrast and map
generalization. One of these sections followed the coastline
and had therefore been moved on the map more than our
maximum distance difference parameter of 40 m in the terrain
(this section amounts to 3%). The other section that was not
found was lying in a shaded area caused by a relatively steep
hill. Neither of the sections could be found by visual
inspection of the original image data while performing
interactive contrast enhancement.
Various steps for detection of new roads are shown in fig. 5.
Fig. 5 a) shows the resulting image from template matching,
described in section 2.1, of a lower middle section of our
test scene, (band 1). In fig. 5 b) are the thinned line
structures of the result from the template matching
segmentation. Threshold value 13 has been used. Fig. 5 c)
shows the result after removing the old, recognized roads and
coastline, and the line structures present within old and
proposed new urban areas. Lines within urban areas having
an area of less than 100 pixels are, however, not removed to
reduce the number of gaps generated in the line structures.
Fig. 5 d) shows the result after the generation and testing of
the hypothetical connection lines. For verified connection
lines there have been generated lines in the binary image.
Lines having a length less than 15 pixels are removed.
The large proposed road structure is a new forest road, and
the complete road has been well recognized as one connected
line. The straight line in the upper right part of the image is a
pier. Most of the remaining line structures are private roads.
The private roads were not present in the old map data so
they were not removed and therefore proposed as new roads.
5.2 Water Bodies
SPOT band 3 (near-infrared) was used for interpretation of
hydrographic features. For interpretation of the sea shores the
system used the binary segmented image 62% of the time
and band 3 directly for profile analysis 38 % of the time.
76% of the shores were recognized. From the 24%
unrecognized 5% were due to real changes of the sea shore.
A relatively large sea area had been filled in. The largest
section of the 19% that were unchanged and undetected was
again in a shaded area caused by a steep hill (the section
amounts to about 5% of the unrecognized shores).
2% of the sea and lake areas were not detected. The changed
areas amounts to about 2/3 of this. The rest of the areas were
mainly classified as land due to shallow water (sea bottom
was clearly visible in the water). Surprisingly, 88% of the
rivers were reconized (only rivers wide enough to be
represented with two lines were present in our map data).
The borders of the rivers were detected using a binary image
52% of the time and a dark line feature image 48% of the
5.3 Urban Areas
The template matching algorithm was applied to extract line
features. The thinned line feature image is shown in figure 6,
while the resulting image from interference filtering is shown
in figure 7. As expected, other line structures than roads have
responded and created "noise". The airport in our test scene
has given considerable response, as well as parts of the
coastline, road intersections in rural areas and roads going
into the urban areas.
The interference image is smoothed and thresholded before
the recognition. In map guided recognition, 93% of the urban
areas marked in the last map revision are recognized. The
unrecognized parts are mostly in the outer edges of the areas.
The proposed urban areas from unguided recognition is
shown in figure 8. The manually updated urban areas are are
shown in figure 9 (air photo based revision). In general, the
result is a coarse approximation to the new map data with
some exceptions. Some small groups of urban areas are
connected to larger structures, and the proposed new areas
often tend to be somewhat larger than in the map. Some
noisy areas are also present, and the airport has been detected
as an urban area (correct?).
Figure 6. The thresholded and thinned line image. To the
right is a subsection of the image to the left showing an urban
area (Værnes).