Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

pressions, no CAVs need to be calculated, however, 
since all cells of the depression fully belong to the de- 
pression’s basin. 
The upper limit of DEM-sizes is caused by the (virtual) 
memory available. A maximum of 3 floating point matri- 
ces are to be held in memory simultaneously for the 
calculation of the drainage accumulation values in the 
iterative process (chapter 3.2) or 2 floating point matri- 
ces and one integer array of the same size for the or- 
dered calculation. Most usual word-lengths are 32 bits 
for both floating point and integer values, therefore the 
indexing array uses the same size as the floating point 
array. For 1,000,000 grid-cells, e.g., this means about 
12 MB of virtual storage. With modern workstations 
this is no real problem in terms of memory usage. 
Table 1 lists computing times for one step of the itera- 
tive calculation of the drainage accumulation values and 
for the sorting of the indexing array in different DEMs of 
different sizes. After sorting, the calculation of the 
drainage accumulation values will take additional time 
of one step of iteration. 
No. of points Iter Sort 
10,201 0.61 1.02 
58,081 3.81 7.57 
152,348 9.87 20.05 
231,361 15.53 37.03 
301,101 20.48 45.89 
535,200 36.31 86.45 
1,204,200 87.13 313.02 
Table 1: CPU-times in seconds on a VAX-Station 3100/ 
M76 with 32 MBytes of main memory under the VMS 
operating system. "Iter" means one iteration of iterative 
calculation, "Sort" means sorting of indexing array by 
the ANSI-C function "qsort". These values are mean 
values and may differ about 296 up or down on repeat- 
ed calculations. 
The ordered calculation will take the time of about 3 to 
5 steps of the iterative calculation for model sizes up to 
over one million of points. This factor includes the time 
of calculation of the drainage accumulation value in the 
ordered calculation. Thus, the use of sorting is greatly 
Nevertheless it is not commendable to use too large 
matrices, since terrain may strongly change in terms of 
roughness within larger regions, thus the grid width 
should be adapted individually. Furthermore, it is pretty 
unwieldy to work on very large matrices, and, overall, 
matrices are always limited in size. 
For work on very large DEMs (from several 100,000 
points upwards), the pyramid structure, as described in 
chapter 2, is proposed. When using this structure, the 
following advantages result: 
- Work in different levels corresponds to scale-depen- 
dent generalization; it is possible to obtain river 
networks in a resolution that corresponds to the 
wanted scale. 
- |n each level the same algorithms can be used with- 
out any changes. 
- Data sets of higher levels (finer resolutions) can use 
information of those of lower levels. This may allow 
for acceleration as well as - in some cases - for 
quality improvement. In particular, this can be used 
- Pit removal: In lower levels there are generally 
less pits. Flow directions can then be taken from 
pitless zones in lower levels - a priori pitless or 
after removing pits - to use the correct outflow 
- Catchment areas: The approximate knowledge of 
the catchment areas in the higher level allows for 
work within a single (larger) catchment area. 
Within such an area fast river-course extraction is 
as well possible as fast sorting and sub-water- 
shed delineation. 
- River networks: When splitting larger regions, it 
is possible to impact drainage accumulation val- 
ues obtained from lower levels (in regard of the 
changed grid cell size) along the edge of a region 
section as a constraint. This allows for splitting 
very long rivers without loss of information about 
its drainage accumulation values. 
- Overview calculations are possible for quick terrain 
analyses. Detailed work then can be restricted to 
zones of special interest. 
- The structure can easily be adapted for data cap- 
turing techniques such as progressive sampling. 
Picture 11 shows a series of the test region of picture 
4 calculated in different levels. 
Rectangular grid-DEMs in form of matrices can easily be 
expanded to grid-GISs. Elementary functions on such 
matrices allow for a huge range of applications. Com- 
plex problems often relatively simply can be resolved. 
Algorithms and visualization techniques of digital image 
processing can be used. The extraction of river lines 
and catchment areas can be seen as one example of 
these features. More complex hydrological modelling 
could take place with additional data layers, such as 
roughness, soil conditions, slant (for water flow veloci- 
ty); rainfall layers would allow for simulation of specific 
rainfall characteristics, especially in conjunction with a 
hill exposition layer. 
The pyramid data structure proves to be a simple but 
efficient means for grid GIS and raster data analyses, 
saving the administrative amount of quadtrees and 
similar structures. For better accuracy, after the opera- 
tions have taken place in the grid structure, it is possi- 
ble to make finer adjustments in regions of special inter- 
est, i.e. along the river-courses and the catchment 
borders, using vector-based algorithms in hybride or 
vector DEMs.

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