can be considered for the generalization
software of the IfK. These digital information
can result directly from terrestrial surveying,
photogrammetry, digitization of analogous
maps (with digitizer or scanner plus raster-
vector-conversion and structuring), from
available strange digital data or from a lot
of other sources.
After the selection or respectively supply
of data first the modelling of independent
objects with their geometry and the belonging
descriptive attributes is necessary. In addition
definitions as the degree of generalization,
the output scale, the sequence of processing,
quite a few threshold values and many more
as well as the kind of symbolization are to be
selected by the user. Mainly the question
"What should be presented how in the derived
digital cartographic model (DCM) ?" have
to be answered. These predefinitions and
parameters for the generalization process,
which play a substantial role in DCM-derivation
in all phases, can be individually specified
by the GIS-user for different applications
by editing a simple control file (Powitz,
Schmidt, 1991).
For a scale-dependent graphic presentation
of GIS-objects from the feature class
"traffic roads’ several computation steps
are necessary in generalization processing.
The process includes firstly the data modelling
and after that follows the cartographic
generalization with the symbolization. The
modules of IfK out of the generalization
software CHANGE for the processing of the
traffic roads are named CHANGE. Roads.
The first step of computer-assisted pre-
processing includes an extensive control
of plausibility as incorrect or illogical data
have to be changed constructively. These
insufficiencies can be caused by errors
in digitization or by the inconsistency of
different data sources etc. These data checks
are concerning geometric as well as
geometric-conceptual terms. For example
unwelcome line intersections, futile loops or
wrong attributes are tracked down and
automatically removed.
Following on is the design of an orderly
topological network of the streets and ways.
If the outlines limiting both sides of the roads
are provided as original geometric information
for middle axis in the sense of centre lines of
these band shaped objects will be calculated
automatically. Afterwards gaps and line
crossings (over- and under-cuts) of the centre
lines especially at road intersections and
junctions are eliminated. The result is a
topological network of the roads with explicit
nodes and edges (see figure 3).
The important simplification of the traffic road
representations is carried out on the basis
of the computed topological network taking
into account the predefined generalization
parameters. Through variation and combination
of nodes as well as through smoothing
of edges unimportant small forms have to be
eliminated whereas clear-cut forms are
The next step in processing is the raw
symbolization. Raw symbolization means that
corridors or areas for the road symbols are
reserved in the presentation level. These
corridors are formed on both sides of
the edges or centre lines by othogonal
widening according to the individual object
attributes. The wideness depends on the
space needed by each object in its full graphic
display in the DCM.
Finally an optimization of the raw symboli-
zation has to ensue as in intersections and
junctions the derived corridor’s symbol
sectors are overlapping. To remove the
overlapping parts a computer-assisted
cleaning process is implemented. The result
of the actions described is a pre-DCM which
supplies the final graphic presentation
wanted in combination with the graphic
layout elements. This pre-DCM exclusively
contains the objects of the feature class
“traffic roads” (see figure 4).
Similar to the process described for the
feature class “traffic roads” the computer-
assisted transfer of the objects from the
feature class “buildings” into the DCM is
carried out in several steps by IfK's software
modules called CHANGE. Buildings.
As geometric information digital outlines of
single buildings are provided (see figure 5).
In processing of buildings the first step also
is an extensive plausibility control. These
difficult checks already include on one hand
the tracking down and on the other hand the
automatic correction of unplausible building
outlines. After thus optimizing the digital
GIS-data the actual steps of cartographic
generalization start off.
The necessary simplification of building
outlines is an important aspect of cartographic
generalization for large scale applications
(Staufenbiel, 1973, Meyer, 1987). Based on
the given thresholds for minimal dimensions
specific to scale (thresholds of graphic
minima sizes for single building sides and
area parts) insignificant small forms are
eliminated and important ones are emphasized.
The algorithms are based on the treatment
of small forms that can consist of separated
building points, small sides and parts
of building areas. Nevertheless the original
characteristics of the buildings should
be consistent during and of course after
the simplification process.
Another generalization step contains the
combination of neighbouring buildings while
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