Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

Wen Shimin 
National Research Institute of Surveying & Mapping 
16 Beitaipinglu, Beijing, China 
This paper presents the method for doing land use statistics by automatic scan digitizing and its system implemen- 
tation. Using this method first needs to scan land use maps from scanners and then do a series of processing such as au- 
tomatic and interactive editing, automatic raster to vector conversion, automatic topology, attribute input, attribute 
editing and so on. Finally do some statistics on land use and set up land information system. In order to increase the ef- 
ficiency of the software system, a series of new algorithms are developed. Using these algorithms can greatly increase 
the processing speed and get better results. 
KEY WORDS; GIS/LIS, Land Applications, Scanned 
As well known as the manual digitizing is a te- 
dious, time consuming and costly work, which has low 
efficiency and poor accuracy. Therefore in a long period 
of time the graphic data capture has been taking for bot- 
tle neek of computer information processing and an ob- 
stacle to the wide use of CAD and GIS. In order to in- 
crease the efficiency of graphic digitizing and realize the 
automation of graphic input. We developed a software 
package for automaticscan digitizing. The main func- 
tions of the software system include data acquisition 
from various kinds of scanners, automatic graphic com- 
bination, graphic preprocessing, line thinning, interac- 
tive graphic editing, raster to vector conversion, vector 
data compression, automatic topology, attribute input 
and editing, area and arc length calculation, setting 
database, updating and inquirying the database and so 
on. Besides making statistics on land use ,the automatic 
scan digitizing software system can also use to setup 
DEM from scanned contour line and to input graphic da- 
ta for GIS and engineering CAD. But this paper only 
gives us detail introduction about that it is used to do 
land use statistics. 
At the present this software system has two ver- 
sions, one is under UNIX operating system, and the 
other is under DOS operating system. Therefore it can 
support two kinds of hardware systems, the first one is 
based on IBM microcomputer and its compitible comput- 
er, and the second is based on workstations such as 
SUN, HP, DEC, SGI etc. The scan input device can be 
any market available scanners such as HP series, 
SHARP series, IS series, HI series, Mecrotek series, 
FSS series and so on. Besides the above mentioned 
scanners,the software system can also support the data 
captured by any kind of CCD cameras. The output de- 
vices can be plotters and printers. The hardware config- 
uration are shown in Fig. 1. 
land use 
CCD camera scanner pu 
workstation microcomputer 
. output 
printer plotter tp 
statistical table land use map 
Fig. 1 Hardware configuration 
The land use investigation in china is based on 1: 
10,000 land use map to do land use statistics according 
to the adminstrative districts, its final results are the 
statistical tables of different land uses. The main flow 
chart of the land use investigation using this software 
system is shown in Fig. 2. From which can discover 
that the main functions of the software system are as 
* Data acquisition from scanner 
* Graphic combination 

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