frequency domain through the application of Fourier
transforms. The supervised classification routine can also be
run in batch model.
The rectification and orthoimage program is developed for
the geometric correction and registration of raster images.
Ground control points can be selected in a raster image and a
digital map which are simultaneously displayed in separate
windows. The evaluation of the selected points based on
statistical testing is possible. The affine, polynomial,
projective and spline transformations are provided for the
geometric registration. Resampling can be performed by the
nearest neighbour algorithm or by the bilinear and bicubic
interpolations. Analytical photogrammetric operation, based
on the collinearity equation, are available to deal with
digitized frame camera photographs. Digital orthoimages
and mosaics can also be generated if a digital elevation model
(DEM) is at hand.
The Vector Orientation program is used to transform an
existing map file from the ground coordinate system into a
specified image coordinate system and to perform the inverse
transformation. It can be performed in either two- or three-
dimensional space. Correction can be applied for relief
displacement if a DEM exists.
Vector transformation has significant advantages where a
map and an image must be in registration for the purpose of
analysis and information extraction but a permanent
georeferenced image is not required. The map file is
temporarily registered to the image and then the new
information which has been derived and vectorized is
transferred back to the correct coordinate system. This
approach avoids the need for the computationally demanding
resampling and eliminates the risk of introducing undesirable
effects on the radiometric characteristics of the image data,
which may occur during resampling.
An integrated GIS/IPS prototype facility is now in place,
which provides interested users with a wide variety of digital
image manipulation functions. There are, however, certain
bottlenecks which make the operation of the system
somewhat awkward. For example, the raster image display
and interactive image processing functions are rigidly
embedded in the Primary Graphics module and it is difficult
to utilize it elsewhere. On the other hand, the interface of
CRIS with the three main line CARIS packages is too loose
and not user friendly.
Future plans call for the development of a CARIS Shell
which will be responsible for acquiring commands from the
user and passing them on to the relevant task. The existing
CARIS data structure which is needed by almost all tasks
will be placed in a Shell. All raster image extension (RIX)
operations will be bundled into a stand alone task and placed
into the Shell so that it can be invoked by either CARED or
The CRIS batch operations will be handled through the new
CRIS Server which will facilitate the off-line transfer of
image data to and from the mainstream CARIS and the
various image processing programs. This arrangement will
encourage the expansion of the program library through third
party software development without having to be concerned
with the CARIS data structure. The new configuration is
shown in Figure 5.
CARIS/RIX provides GIS users with a tool for the
exploitation of digital images as a data source. It supports
on-line image analysis and information extraction in a
merged raster-image/vector-graphics display and
incorporates all the commonly used off-line image
processing functions. This hybrid environment created for
integrated processing of spatial information is, no doubt, a
valuable asset in change detection map revision and resource
mapping. The stage is also set for the development of a
knowledge-based image analysis strategy by taking
advantage of the information stored in the GIS.
This research and development work has been funded under
the Canada/New Brunswick Subsidiary Agreement on
Industrial Innovation.
Derenyi, E. and R. Pollock (1990a). “Extending a vector-
based GIS with raster-image handling capabilities.”
Proceedings of the GIS for the 1990s National Conference,
Canadian Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Ottawa,
March 5-8, pp. 1463-1473.
Derenyi, E., and R. Pollock (1990b). “Extending a GIS to
Support Image-based Map Revision.” Photogrammetric
Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 56, No. 11, pp.
Derenyi, E. (1991). “Design and Development of a
Heterogeneous GIS.” CISM Journal ACGC, Vol. 45, No.4.
Reedijk, W. (1990). The Design and Implementation for
Raster Data Handling Capabilities for Geographic
Applications. M.Sc.E. Thesis, Department of Surveying
Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton,
N.B., Canada, April.
USL (1991). CARIS Products Description. Universal
Systems Ltd., Fredericton, N.B., Canada, May.