These steps are performed from level to level of an
image pyramid in order to minimize manual interaction
and to make the process more robust.
Iterative least squares techniques are used in photo-
grammetric adjustment based mainly on collinearity
equations for conjugate and ground control points.
Some other equations are used for the introduction of
known platform flight path and attitude information and
for the estimation of their constant and higher order
biases. Interior orientation parameters can be esti-
mated, too.
2. Image matching
2.1 Interest operator
In high resolution imagery like that from the airborne
model of the MEOSS camera (about 2 . 2m? pixel size)
large homogeneous areas like fields, meadows and
water bodies appear where good patterns for image
correlation cannot be extracted. Therefore, for auto-
matic image matching, an interest operator has to
automatically select patterns which are well suited for
digital image correlation. Our interest operator is
designed along the lines of the so-called "Fórstner
operator” developed at Stuttgart university < Ref. 8>.
The weighted centre of gravity is calculated for each
window of a given size by least squares technique with
appropriate weighting by first order derivatives in line
and column directions. From the error ellipse of this
least squares adjustment two parameters, roundness
and size, are extracted. Windows and their resulting
points are said to be promising for image correlation if
the size is small and the roundness is beyond a given
threshold so that the points are well defined in terms
of multidirectional edge information contents of the
surrounding window.
We found that the sizes of the error ellipses are corre-
lated with the variances of the grey values of the win-
dows (about -0.5 normalized correlation coefficient).
Furthermore, it was found through many tests that win-
dows - even if they meet the requirements on round-
ness and size described in «Ref. 8^ - should have a
variance beyond some threshold. Thus, for the user
interface the threshold for size is replaced by a thresh-
old for variance. This variance thresholds can be esti-
mated from the local image variances much better than
the median value of the sizes of the error ellipses
mentioned in «Ref. 8». For our airborne imagery
thresholds between 25.0 and 64.0 for the variance gave
reasonable distributions of the points found by the
interest operator.
Normally, a promising point is located more than once
by the operator (with respect to different windows). This
multiplicity is reflected in our procedure via a count
only. Huge numbers of points are registered often by
this procedure. Thus, it is found a good strategy to
replace a set of points which are lying near to each
other by one prominent point. The selection of the
prominent point is based on the following parameters,
given in descending order of priority:
multiplicity of point
variance of window
roundness of error ellipse
size of error ellipse
2.2 Search window selection
The interest operator is used to locate good patterns in
the nadir looking sensor's scene. For area based
matching corresponding search areas have to be
extracted from the scenes of the other looking
directions. This is achieved by computing a local affine
transformation between the stereo partners. The six
parameters of the affine transformation are computed
by least squares adjustment using already known con-
jugate points. Currently, at the lowest level of resolution
of the image pyramid manually found conjugate points
are used as input to this process. This could be further
automated by using some a priori knowledge about the
sensor geometry (e.g. stereo baselength in number of
pixels) and interest operator results for all stereo part-
The results of the local affine transformation are
accepted only if the rms-error for the input conjugate
points is less than half the possible shift of the pattern
area within the search area. Thus, coarse errors in the
position of the search windows are avoided. More trials
are made by changing the number of input points
and/or the the weighting scheme. If none of the adjust-
ments is accepted no matching process for this point
and stereo pair is initiated. The number and distribution
of these affine transformation failures indicate to the
user in what regions of the imagery the point densities
for computing search area positions are not sufficient.
2.3 Image correlation with pixel accuracy
A matrix of normalized correlation coefficients is com-
puted for given pattern and search areas by shifting the
pattern pixel by pixel (in column and line directions)
over the search area. The maximum of the correlation
coefficients defines the location of that pixel in the
search area which corresponds to the centre pixel of
the pattern area. A quality figure is defined which mea-
sures the uniqueness and the relative steepness of the
peak in the matrix of correlation coefficients (for defi-
nition see «Ref. 47» ).
Strict acceptance rules are applied to the results
. of each individual correlation process between a
stereo pair and
e of 3 combined correlation processes if 3 stereo
pairs are available (in the zone of threefold stere-
oscopic coverage).
At the level of a single correlation the following condi-
tions have to be met before acceptance of the results:
* maximum of correlation coefficients and quality
figure have to be beyond given thresholds (in case
of our data material 0.5 and 0.2 were taken for
correlation coefficient and quality figure, respec-
® the maximum of the correlation coefficient must not
lie on the border of the matrix of correlation coef-
ficients (the width of the border is normally set to
1 column and 1 line)