Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

[Horn and Brooks, 86] where it is required for con- 
vergence. However, in our experience it is not nec- 
essary in the Frankot-Chellappa algorithm applied to 
Mars or SPOT imagery. 
e Improve each of the gradient estimates indepen- 
dently by adjusting them towards the value minimis- 
ing the difference between observed and computed 
(from the gradients) intensity. The algorithm’s À pa- 
rameter controls the rate of adjustment. 
e Project the gradients to an integrable surface, min- 
imising the sum of the squares of the adjustments 
required. This is done in Fourier space. 
The periodic wrap-round nature of the discrete Fourier 
transform representation results in distortions at opposite 
edges of the DEM. We overcome this by padding the im- 
age to double size with a uniform grey-level equal to that 
produced by a flat surface. 
[Frankot and Chellappa, 88] used a central-differencing 
differentiation operator. This results in a slightly corru- 
gated appearence to the output DEM, as central differ- 
encing cannot "see" corrugations. We obtain stripe-free 
output using forward differencing. 
3.2 Calibration 
Given a radiometrically corrected Viking Orbiter image we 
must still account for the effects of surface reflectance and 
atmospheric scattering. Two numbers are required to ef- 
fect a linear transformation between image grey levels and 
the normalised range used internally. We currently specify 
the "shadow current" and the "flat current". The shadow 
current is the grey level with which a self-shadowed slope 
will appear in the image; we generally estimate this to be 
equal to the darkest pixel in the reseau-removed image 
(N.B This is not equivelent to the camera's "dark current", 
which would not compensate for atmospheric scattering). 
The flat current is the grey level with which a level piece 
of terrain will appear; we estimate this from the modal 
grey-level in the scene. We believe this to be appropriate 
as most of the scenes to which we have applied shape- 
from-shading have contained large apparently flat areas 
of almost uniform grey-level. 
Errors in calibration generally result in long-range cur- 
vature of the output DEM. We can compensate for this to 
an extent by adjusting the calibration parameters in order 
to eliminate long-range elevation trends. In future we ex- 
pect to make use of information such as the USGS DEM. 
Figure 7 shows the DEM obtained by applying shape- 
from-shading to an extract from the orthoimage in fig- 
ure 6. A Minnaert reflectance function with parameter 
0.85 (compatible with [Davis and Soderblom, 84], given 
the 53.2? phase angle for this image) was assumed. The 
corresponding extract of the stereo-matched DEM is also 
shown as a perspective view; the sloping terrain feature 
may correspond to the eastern crater wall, but overall 
there is little resemblance to a crater ulike the shape from 
shading results. In future it is hoped to be able to re- 
place selected areas of stereo-matched DEM containing 
higher frequencies with the shape-from-shading derived 
elevation models containing higher frequency intervals. 
4 Conclusions 
While matching techniques developed for SPOT do seem 
to be applicable to Viking Orbiter, the resolution of the 
imagery available over most of the Martian surface permits 
only extraction of the largest terrain features. Shape from 
shading offers a way of extracting features such as craters 
in some regions. 
In the near future, combined use of the existing USGS 
DEM with the images available may permit gloibal cover- 
age to be achieved even given the poor stereo coverage 
of Viking Orbiter. Longer term, the Mars Observer Laser 
Altimeter coupled with the MO camera and the HDSC on 
Mars 94 will permit these techniques to be more fully ex- 
5 Acknowledgements 
The EXODUS project is supported by SERC grants GR/F- 
84-294 and GR/F-82-894 jointly with David Rothery, John 
Murray and Gillian Thornhill at the Department of Earth 
Sciences, Open University. We would like to thank Sher- 
man Wu, Debbie Cook, Kay Edwards and Annie Howing- 
ton at USGS Flagstaff for all their help and support and 
Sue MacMahon at JPL. 
D Allison, M J A Zemerly, and J-P Muller (1991). Au- 
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Multi-Image Registration. In Proceedings International 
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Helsinki, Fin- 
land (IEEE Catalogue 91CH2971-0), June 1991. 
R Batson (1987). Digital Cartography of the Planets: New 
Methods, Its Status and Its Future. Photogrammetric En- 
gineering and Remote Sensing, 53(9):1211-1218, 1987. 
K R Blasius, A V Vetrone, and M D Martin (1980). Viking 
Orbiter Stereo Imaging Catalog. NASA Contractor Report 
3277, NASA, June 1980. 
A C Cook, T Day, J C Iliffe, and J-P Muller (1992). A 
Prolog-Based Mars Information System. In International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1992. 
WG IV/6. 
P A Davis and L A Soderblom (1984). Modeling Crater To- 
pography and Albedo from Monoscopic Viking Orbiter Im- 
ages. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(B11):9449-9457, 
October 1984. 
T Day and J P Muller (1999). Quality Assessment of Digi- 
tal Elevation Models Produced by Automatic Stereomatch- 
ers from SPOT Image Pairs. Photogrammetric Record, 
12(72):797-808, October 1988. 
K Edwards (1987). Geometric Processing of Digital Images 
of the Planets. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing, 53(9):1219-1222, 1987. 

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