The choice of a higher regularization parameter \=4000
shows, that regularization by curvature minimization is
more sensitive to an increase in A, if the surface con-
tains edges: rms(dZ) is distinctively lower for adaptive
regularization in the case of reconstruction of the sur-
faces | (rfpar) and 2 (rfrot). The reconstruction of the
smooth surface 3 (cylpar.) again yields only marginal
differences in the rms(dZ)-values for both regularization
methods. The experiments 1-4 also show, that recon-
struction with regularization by curvature minimization
is closer to the original surface, if A=4000 is chosen.
But compared with A=2000, the gap between the
rms(dZ)-values of both regularization methods has be-
come closer.
In regularization by curvature minimization, the implied
assumption of smoothness of a surface yields smooth
reconstructed surfaces, which can be seen in fig. 4.2a,
fig. 4.6a, fig. 48a, fig. 4.10a and fig. 412a (all surfaces
reconstructed with A-2000).
If the surface to be reconstructed itself is smooth, the
reconstructed one shows great similarity to the original
one. But if it is not, the surface edges will not be pro-
perly reconstructed, especially if a high regularization
parameter À is chosen.
All experiments show, that both regularization methods
are capable of ‘bridging’ areas of low contrasts in image
grey values.
Fig. 4.15 shows the standard deviation of heights for the
reconstruction of surface 4 (cylrot) containing an area
of constant grey value, fig. 4.16 shows the standard de-
viation of heights for the reconstruction of the same sur-
face, which does not contain such an area. Adaptive
regularization was used in both cases. The distribution of
standard errors looks very similar in both cases, with
one exception: in the area of constant grey value the
standard deviations of heights are higher in fig. 415
than those in the respective area in fig. 416. In that
experiment the area to be 'bridged is small, only 4x3
Z-facets. The increase of 84. is low, accordingly. But
principally, these values can be used for the detection
of regions of insufficient grey value information. Such
areas could be marked in the reconstruction result, in
order to inform a human operator of this situation.
area of constant grey value
1010 ;
Fig. 4.1a Surface 4 with area of constant grey value:
reconstructed surface
FAST Vision with adaptive regularization
area of constant grey value
Fig. 4.1b Surface 4 with area of constant grey value:
differences between original and reconstructed surface
FAST Vision with adaptive regularization
Fig. 4.2a Surface 4 with area of constant grey value:
reconstructed surface S
FAST Vision with regularization by curvature minimization
, 05
dZmin=-0.029 m 09
Fig. 4.2b Surface 4 with area of constant grey value:
differences between original and reconstructed surface
FAST Vision with regularization by curvature minimization
Fig. 4.6a Surface 3 without area of constant grey value:
reconstructed surface
FAST Vision with regularization by curvature minimization