The correction vector A with dimensions 3nxl is
defined by two components:
Ad with dimensions 6pxl and
AE with dimensions (3n-6p)xl
The coordinate corrections of the points included
in Ad vector involve the contribution of observa-
tions of geodetic distances to photogrammetric
observations of the end points of distance "p",
whereas the Af vector is concerned with (n-2p)
points which were observed only photogrammetrical
In the case of correlated observations, Nd isa
full matrix which implies to invert a (6px6p) ma-
trix and a number of n-2p matrices with (3x3) di-
If the geodetic distance observations are consi-
dered as uncorrelated, then one can simplify the
inversion of N + NJ matrix. This operation is re-
duced to the inversion of a number of p matrices
with dimensions (6x6).
eo =~ —
By virtue of the structure of D, Ad , W and L,
the normal equations can be expressed in the ex-
panded form:
Y= Disc (RL, Bi. seeee Nido)
(6x6) (6x6) (eat) or
tis Goon ns CUT
y [fa cde se] (4)
Wi Dias €. W4, WO, senescence Wp)
(pxp) (ixi) (ixl) (1x1)
in which:
8m £d D
od ) pc? (1x1) (1x6)
= aq —
CL = DR We Lp
(6x1) (6x1) (1x1) (1x1)
Wo =U E200
The solution of the equation system is given by:
a A» - A -4
A. = fin +) AB TFT Th
(6mx1) (6mx6m) (3nx3n) (3nx6m)
Q A E (5)
*| (CK) - N. GRAY (CH)
(6mx1) (6mx3n) (3nx1)
Once the vector of exterior orientation parame-
ters A has thus been obtained, the vector of
ground poînt coordinates can be computed from:
À Ges na ^S" A
3nx1l) (3nx3n) |(3nx6m) (6mx1)
A =| N+Nd
(3nx1) |(3nx3n)
By virtue of the block diagonality of N + N and
N + NJ matrices, each distance "d$ and each point
"j' can be treated independently after the evalu-
ation of A vector:
S--4N (7)
A = LHN 4 [6c
(6mx1) [(6mx6m) (6mx1)
For each distance "1" the ÆAdevector solution is:
Adt= Ris A
T (8)
{(6x6m) (6mx1)
C+Cd | - [HN
(6x1) |(6x6) t
n (6x6)
For each point "j", the Aj vector solution is:
Ki. o2 a.
AN; 537% À (9)
for 3j.” (2ptl, 2pt2, ......n)
P n
Se 2 2 Bolg pit S S
(6mx6m) 1=1 (6mx6m) j=2p+1 (6n án)
^ p n ^.
CT > Cal. 4, 24 + = Cy
(6mxl) 1-1 (6mxl) j=2p+1 (6mx1)
Because each distance "dQ" is defined by two end
points: 21-1 and 21, it results the following
normal coefficient equation matrix:
E (Np. +N Nat 120 +Nclp| Na fay?
ate of VEU. Com tra 5) NC
1t, m (C 24-140) =
(6mx1 ) (6mx1)
À + NdR [| Carat + EdL
(6 Reto [es 628" «i (6x6 Taste e
and for each stereotriangulated point (j=2p+1,
2pt2, .....n), the corresponding matrices:
Sj = Nj = Rj 3 Rj=Nj-0 rm
—-{ AT A, A Ti,
Q 78S NM: 8976-3
Finally, to evaluate the À dfcorrection vector
which corresponds to end points of each geodetic
measured distance df, it is necessary to consider
the following matrices and vectors:
N el à 7 +Ndf
(6x6) d (6x6)
with: _ 0
N 91.4 22]= Diag (N N
| exes I DA
and ir. _ = (12)
C * C [7| *|C (* Cd
p | [Ead at ex
with : q
C 24-124 7 =
(25 [3385 Ed
A computer program called DISTANCE was developped
and its formulation is based on the principle of
olservation equations, as described in the above
The development of mathematical models that pre-
dict soil erosion and deposition on three-dimen-
sional catchments also requires techniques that
can measure distributed soil movement in order to
test and to verify the model. In the case of wa-
ter erosion risk, the most popular predictive mo-
del is the universal soil loss equation (USLE):
= RKLSCP (13)
A is the average annual soil loss per unit area
(in tonnes/ha),
R is a measure of the erosivity of the rain fall
or the surface runoff in a given region,