‘or 8 ween points are 50 m. Figure 5 shows a 3-D
ruc- presentation of the generated height model
an be
' can be
er body
an be T uu so
2 E
tes to
e user
e are
h are
r de-
ot be Fig. 5 Isometric representation of a
height model.
Profile lines are colour-coded
according to their height. The
height model is used to produce a
out on digital orthophoto.
280 In this form the height model ean be used
b hard- for the generation of digital orthophotos.
IPS. More details about this application can be
For- found in (Höhle, 1991). In the second part
ich of the test breaklines were also collected
co- in the analytical plotter, again by an ex-
ronal). perienced operator. The breakpoints and
the regularly distributed points as well
1_pho- as some check points were treatedas "ob-
jects". The input of all these points re-
quires a conversion from ASCII to binary
10pho- format. These so-called xyz-files which
'ramme- are established for each object ean then
itu- be read in "MODELER". The ASCII input
hoto- files have to be of a certain format as
‚ers well, where the units of measurements, the
The sequence of coordinates, the sequence of
| to point numbers for a line have to be added
l or- and arranged in a certain way. The con-
e of version from the photogrammetric data file
file to the ASCII input file has been solved by
S... The a newly established program. A TIN model
be was first generated from the regularly
e fly- distributed points and from the breaklines
re and later converted to the final GRID mo-
llec- del. A display of the differences between
tion the two generated models revealed that the
the improvements (when using additional break-
on, lines for modelling) reached up to 3 m.
This confirms the assumption, that additi-
11 onally collected breaklines considerably
when improved the quality of the height model.
ed in-
accu- 3.2 Generation of & height model from digi-
reak- tal map data
the Digital maps which are produced by photo-
grammetry have also z-coordinates for the
individual objects and their elements
000 (points). Objects which are on the surface
oto- of the terrain can be used for the genera-
tion of a height model. In Denmark, digi-
tal maps are available for the whole coun-
try (T0, T1, T2, T3 data).
and :
racy TO-data covering the rural areas are pro-
= 0.3m duced from photography 1 : 20 000 to
a 1: 30 000. This means, that objects of
then about 1 m x 1m on the ground ean be iden-
oet - tified. The produced data base has 14 dif-
ferent objects, their heights have an accu-
racy of 6, = 1 m for well defined points
or: 83 = 1.5 n for all other points and
lines. These data can be bought for a very
modest price. The main application of this
data base is the recording and updating of
utilities (gas,telefon, etc.). The ex-
change of all these data occurs by means
of the Danish Exchange Format (DSFL, 1986),
(Alexandersen, 1991). The format is object-
oriented as well. In the data files header
are also information about the used photo-
graphy and control points. In built-up
areas more detailed map data are produced
(T1, T2, T3 data). The seale of photogra-
phy is between 1 : 4 000 $0 1i + 20 000
which means that objects down to 15 cm x
15 cm on the ground can be identified and
the accuracy of the heights of well de-
fined points is @p = 0.15 nm at the best.
The number of the recorded objects differs
from i6.(TO) to 60 (T3). In order to take
advantage of these easily available T-data
for the generation of & height model in
TIGRIS "MODELER", à conversion program was
created (DSFL2ADF). By means of this pro-
gram the objects in the National Exchange
Format (DSFL-format) are translated into
the objects of the height model. A cross
reference table like in table 2 had to be
established. The output of the conversion
program are files which contain all the
data for one object type (e.g. breakline).
In this way some height models have been
created. Their accuracy, however, is not
homogenious. It depends on the density of
the planimetric data and the purpose of the
application. For the generation of ortho-
photos this may sometimes be sufficient,
because a higher accuracy is required for
areas where objects, especially man made
ones, are. In this context it may be men-
tioned, that in Denmark scanned and rec-
tified aerial photographs are available
on CD-ROMs (Jydsk Telefon, 1992). The
application of the digital photographs
(pixel size 2.5 m x 2.5 m on the ground,
64 grey values) is within Geographic In-
formation Systems. Their rectification is
done by means of digital map data (TO data).
3.3 Display of height model by means of
grey values
The attribute of a GRID model can be
heights, but also many other parameters
(e.g. slope, aspect, temperature, ete.).
The heights can be converted into grey va-
lues. Such a display can be seen in fis.6.
It is used for visual inspection in the
orthophoto production, in order to make
sure, that there are no positional dis-
placements or other blunders.
3.4 Thematic maps for slope and soil ero-
The inclination of the terrain surface at
a particular point is called slope. Slope
values can be computed for the entire
height model. From TIN models, for example,
areas (polygons) of slope classes can be
derived. These polygons are the objects,
their attributes are slope values. At the
beginning of the process one Specifies the
interval, e.g. 159, and the range, e.g.
00 - 909 , All polygons for the defined
slope class are calculated and displayed.