Volume computation has to start from a grid of height
differences and from different line information (limit of the
area of interest, intersection line, break lines, form lines, DEM
border lines). Fig. 4.1 shows the initial lines for a small part of
a difference model.
The lines build up irregular polygons. For each grid mesh a
triangular network is derived from the irregular polygons (see
fig. 4.2). Thus, the volume computation can be reduced to
triangular prisms which have to be related to either cutting or
filling, depending on the sign of the height differences.
The methods used for volume computation shall in the
following be used as an example for a more general view of
the arithmetic operations on DEM data.
5.1 DEM combination
Building up a difference model from two DEMs is a functional
DEM computation by using a simple subtraction as a
combination function.
Zaiff. = ZDEM1 - ZDEM2
SCOP.INTERSECT is now extended for the use of any
mathematical function of the form
Zfunct. = f( Z1 Z, )
The function f is described by the fundamental arithmetic
operations and by a discrete description of more complex
The functional values Zfynct, are stored in a SCOP model with
the grid structure of either the Z; or the Z, SCOP model and
the line information of both models.
SCOP model 1 SCOP model 2
functional model
Fig. 5: Data structure of the functional model
Each point of the functional model needs its values Z; and Z,
before performing the computation of the functional Z value.
In most cases only one of the Z values is directly stored either
in the Z4 or in the Z; model. The corresponding Z value of the
other model is automatically determined by an interpolation
within the respective grid mesh.
5.2 DEM Intersection
Volume computation is a special case of DEM intersection for
which the DEM is a difference model. It is intersected with
areas of interest. Each area of interest is subdivided by the
isolines of height difference zero into areas of cutting and
filling. The intersection results are volumes of cutting and
In general the DEM can be any SCOP model (DEM, slope
model or any functional model). The areas of interest may be
any polygon areas. And the height difference zero for dividing
cutting and filling may be replaced by any class limits.
The intersection classifies the polygon area and computes the
intersection results which may be classified areas, volumes or
surfaces. Applications of a DEM intersection are described in
chapter 7 and in table 1.
5.3 Polygon Overlays
In many cases the input data for a functional combination of
surface data or for an intersection do not exist in form of a
DEM, but have to be digitized from maps in form of polygon
areas. Each polygon area has a corresponding value Z.
Such polygon areas may be converted with
SCOP.INTERSECT into a SCOP model, and are then available
for a functional combination with other surface data or for an
The conversion into a SCOP model is done by overlaying the
polygon areas with a regular grid. Each grid and polygon point
is stored with the Z value of the referring polygon area. The
result is a surface description which consists of adjacent
horizontal terraces.
After a conversion of polygon areas into a SCOP model
SCOP.INTERSECT is able to solve a conventional polygon
overlay by intersecting a second set of polygon areas with the
SCOP model.
The two following examples show how other arithmetic or
boolean operations can be used for a combination of digital
elevation models.
6.1 Integration of planned structures into a DEM
A simple boolean function can be used for the integration of
planned terrain surfaces (roads, railways, embankments etc.)
into a DEM of the existing terrain.
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