mage. This
hich can be
ntal plane,
ing on the
points can
lined plane
ints are a
nd the two
inclination angles of the plane. Thus, geometric
constraints can be formulated by using the known pixel
coordinates of all corner points, their heights (which are a
function of the height at the patch centre and the plane
parameters) and the PMFs (note that their coefficients are
the same for all points). The unknowns to be solved for
are the plane parameters and the height at the patch
centre. This approach is an indirect object-based
matching approach. It has the advantage that permits the
determination of the local surface parameters (and not
just the height at the patch centre), and that it constrains
the 4 corners, i.e. restricts the affine geometric
transformation. Using an inclined plane model, which is
implicitly implied by the affine transformation of the
current approach, the new approach also results in
computational advantages as the number of unknowns
reduces from 6 to 3. However, the problem to be solved is
the a priori determination of a suitable surface model.
First, the gradient magnitude images are computed. To
reduce weak edges due to noise, which is very noticeable
in SPOT images, all gradients with a magnitude less than
a threshold T can be set equal to T. The threshold is
selected as a function of the mean and the standard
deviation of the gradient magnitude image (in this case T
= mean - standard deviation). The same function should
be used for both images to ensure equal treatment. The
threshold should not be too high otherwise (a) useful
texture is deleted, and (b) the edges are broken and
significant differences between the two images occur due
to different edge strength. This approach eliminates noise
but also low texture which is however not very likely to
lead to accurate matching results. An example is shown
in Figure 5.
As already mentioned, the measurement points are
selected along edges nearly perpendicular to the epipolar
lines. In order not to reduce the number of the selected
points too much (and thus their density, which influences
the DTM accuracy), points along edges with an angle of
145° with the perpendicular to the epipolar line should
also be selected. To avoid clustering of good points a
thin-out window for non-maxima suppression can be
defined. To avoid selecting points lying at small and faint
noisy edges the points are selected in the first level of the
image pyramid. Our approach is to match the same
number of points in all pyramid levels. Thus, a selected
point must have the aforementioned properties in all
pyramid levels. Generally, the approach to be followed is
to detect good points in all levels of the image pyramid of
the template image and keep the points that appear in all
pyramid levels. However, these SPOT images had a lot of
texture and this was expressed in all pyramid levels. By
going up in the image pyramid, the relative number of
selected points was actually increasing.
To avoid selecting points at regions of radiometric
differences, especially the ones with a large area extent
(like clouds), the following approach can be used. Using
the PMFs and an average height of the scene (derived
either from a priori knowledge or from the average height
of the control points used in the rigorous SPOT model),
or a polynomial transformation derived from the pixel
coordinates of the control points, the search image is
registered with the template image. If the registration
were perfect, a simple subtraction of the two images
would give us the different edges. Since the registration
is not perfect, an image pyramid is created so that at the
highest level the misregistration error is within pixel
range. Then through subtraction, the different edges are
detected by binarising the difference image with an
absolute threshold. This binary image can eventually be
dilated in order to avoid selecting points whose patch
would partially fall inside areas with radiometric
differences. These disturbance areas are projected in all
pyramid levels and convolved with the selected points in
order to clean the selected points. An example is shown
in Figure 6.
In this test the approximations were either given
manually or derived from a given DTM. The proposed
general approach is the following. After the PMFs are
computed an average height is used in order to determine
the position of the selected points in the search image. To
check the quality of these approximations the 136 points
Figure 5 Grey level image (left), gradient magnitude image (middle), thresholded gradient
magnitude image (right)