Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B4)

L. Molnar 
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, The Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria 
ISPRS Commission IV 
DEMs as information (sub)systems storing vectors, raster, image pixels, and attributes. Communicating with other 
databases, and accessing DEM information, via (TOP)SQL. Treating topology in terms of relationality; dealing with 
true three-dimensionality. Main functions. Combining vectorial algoritms with those of raster geometry. Patchwise 
processes with stages varying locally. Controlling DEM processing via object oriented programming in a multitasking, 
and eventually distributed system. Machine independent base modules. Modes for real-time processing, sub-system 
(slave or driver) mode, batch processing mode. Employing parallel programming including massive parallelity. 
KEY WORDS: Digital Terrain Models, System Design 
A university institute has the two interconnected tasks 
of teaching and of research. A new dimension has been 
added to these tasks by some leading personalities of 
the academic world of photogrammetry, in the first line 
by Prof.Dr. Ackermann at the Stuttgart University, 
followed by Prof.Dr. Kraus at the Vienna University of 
Technology, and by many others. According to this new 
dimension, results of recent university research are 
made commercially available to the world of production 
in the form of computer programs or modules - rather 
than just as theoretical papers and research reports. 
These programs should have the merit of applying new 
technological methods. They can hardly be, however, 
on the level of versatility of the available commercial 
products. Recently, in view of some major 
developments in computer science, the contrast 
between merits and disadvantages of such research 
programs became by far too large - concerning, in the 
first line, object oriented design, graphical user 
interfaces, interactive graphics, etc. 
Current versions of the digital elevation modeling 
package SCOP' represent a splendid example of the 
aforementioned contrast. Therefore, and to refine the 
package in many other respects, work has been started 
on creating a new, open frame to hold some of the 
current modules and all future ones. Principles proposed 
for this architecture constitute the subject of this paper. 
At the time of this writing, these principles are not yet 
approved in any way as final. In many points, they 
represent but a personal view. 
Sought is a highly modular, easily extendable 
architecture to be implemented on most major 
platforms, to combine some existing modules with the 
new ones, and to be controlled, on the one hand, by 
graphical user interfaces, and on the other - in batch 
mode, on mainframes, or just as an option - by 
command language. 
The existing source of SCOP and of related programs 
represent up to 200.000 lines of proven FORTRAN 
code, one through ten years old. Three quarters of it 
' INPHO GmBH, Stuttgart, and Institute of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPRS) of the 
Vienna University of Technology 
could and should - indeed: must - be rescued. 
Due to its FORTRAN-centered, cross-platform 
programming expertise, the SCOP team is by now 
extremely proficient in creating new modules to the 
existing system. The price of giving up this expertise all 
together could be, | am afraid, about one year per 
programmer. So let's examine concisely whether there 
is sufficient technical reason to do so. 
There are two major recent developments in computer 
programming affecting the application of FORTRAN: 
first, the increasing necessity to address different 
software and hardware resources such as graphical user 
interfaces (GUIs), graphics libraries, external databases 
(embedded SQL, GIS), or additional hardware. The 
problem is not just that FORTRAN does not provide any 
standard means for such purposes. More importantly, 
different libraries, device drivers, software kits, and the 
similar are nowadays supplied for C only. These 
problems are then usually solved by mixed language 
The second point concerns object oriented 
programming. It facilitates a deeper reaching modularity, 
a way of thinking coming much closer to that of the 
user, it yields a highly modular and highly extendable 
architecture, and it may aid greatly the transition to 
distributed and parallel computing. On a fine-grained, 
SMALLTALK-level, with object oriented operating 
systems and compilers for all major platforms, and with 
widespread processor support, distributed intelligence, 
and parallel processing - on this level, object oriented 
programming is not yet with us. For this, | think, even 
developers have to wait for maybe five years. However, 
a hybrid solution with a large-grained object structure 
mixed with procedural parts is rapidly gaining 
importance: the C++ solution and the similar ones, 
based on structures designated as c/asses to 
encapsulate both data and the methods (algorithms) 
operating on them. 
Externally, a (complex) class controlled by messages 
resembles very much a (small) program controlled by 
directives of a command language. (Small) programs 
can thus be considered and employed as some common 
denominator between classical procedural programs, on 
the one hand, and (complex) classes of a C+ + type 
object oriented program. As parts of an integrated 
system, such programs could be termed processes. This 
expression emphasizes dynamic so much that for most 
of us it is hard to think of a process as of data, with the 
code integrated. So after rejecting a series of terms 
(e.g. complex object, or just complex),| found the name 
autonomous class to suit best. An architecture then, 
integrating such classes, will be termed a class-oriented 
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