trast to a
:cially for
lata man-
nick data
DTM and
rated by
1the TIN.
ple" grid-
me as the
> "simple"
yinal con-
vided and
d for the
h suitable
s of finite
I'M can be
] skeleton
Fig. 6a: Shaded relief representation derived from a smo-
othed "simple" grid-DTM.
lines are used. A hybrid grid/TIN data structure men-
tioned above is not necessary in this case. To avoid
problems caused byirregularly distributed contour lines,
grid points, interpolated from the "simple" grid-DTM,
can be used as additional reference data (Aumann et al,
To minimize the effort for DTM generation, a direct
smoothing of the "simple" grid-DTM with the method of
finite clements was investigated. The smoothed "simple"
grid-DTM and the smoothed grid-DTM are illustrated
by shaded relief representations in fig. 6. As one can see,
both methods lead to similar results. Therefore, the
smoothed "simple" grid-DTM can be considered as an
attractive alternative.
The skeleton lines, derived automatically by the method
shown in chapter 2, supply the additional geomorpho-
logicalinformation for DTM generation. All three meth-
ods shown in chapter3 are able to generate a high fidelity
DTM. The requirement to generate countrywide DTMs
leads to the conclusion that the TIN-DTM (chapter 3.1)
is less usefull than the grid-DTM because of the compli-
cated data structure. The "simple" grid-DTM (chapter
3.2) is generated by interpolating the DTM grid points
directly from the TIN. Therefore, the qualityis compare-
able with the one of the TIN-DTM. Using the method of
finite elements, either a smoothed grid-DTM or a
smoothed "simple" grid-DTM (chapter 3.3) can be
Fig. 6b: Shaded relief representation derived from a
smoothed grid-DTM.
Finally, fig. 7 shows the contour lines derived from a
smoothed "simple" grid-DTM. The intermediate con-
tour lines (thin lines) again demonstrate the high quality
of the surface description. The example (2,5km*1,5km)
was calculated automatically and no interactive work
was needed.
Aumann G., Ebner, H., Tang, L., 1991: Automatic deri-
vation of skeleton lines from digitized contours.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sen-
sing, 46, 259-268.
Aumann, G., Eder, K., Pfannenstein, A., Würlánder, R.,
1992: Primary data Analysis and Preparation for
DTM Generation. In preparation for XVII ISPRS
Congress, Washington.
Bässmann, H., Besslich, Ph.W., 1989: Konturorientierte
Verfahren in der digitalen Bildverarbeitung. Sprin-
ger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, New York London
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Clarke, A.L., Grün, A., Loon, J.C., 1982: The Applica-
tion of Contour Data for Generating High Fidelity
Grid Digital Elevation Models. Proceedings Auto-
Carto 5, 213-222.
Ebner, H., Rei}, P., 1978: Height interpolation by the
Method of Finite Elements. Nachrichten aus dem
Karten- und Vermessungswesen. Reihe II, Heft 36,