Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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The spatial similarity adjustment itself requires pre- 
liminary values for orientation parameters. These are 
calculated as follows: First a set of omega and fi rota- 
tion angles are guessed at by the program, and the 
model or strip are rotated accordingly. Then linear 
equations are used to compute the scale, the kappa 
rotation and the three translations. Based on these 
values, the standard deviation unit weight of the first 
iteration of the spatial similarity adjustment is com- 
puted and stored. This procedure is repeated with se- 
veral preselected combinations of omega and kappa 
angles. The omega-fi combination of the smallest 
standard error unit weight after the first iteration is 
used as preliminary values in the spatial similarity 
Parametres computed during the successive relative 
orientations and model and strip connections are 
then transformed to exterior orientation parameters 
for each image which are then used as preliminary 
values in the bundle block adjustment. Large gross 
errors are nicely trapped during this procedure, while 
small gross errors are located during the bundle 
block adjustment. 
This procedure of computation of preliminary values 
is extremely robust. It is one of the most important 
preconditions for the success of the multi-model met- 
2.6 Accuracy considerations 
Small-frame cameras are calibrated using a test field 
of 120 points distributed in a spatial network of 3 x 3 
x 2 meters. The points are surveyed with electronic 
theodolites to an RMS accuracy of about 0,1 mm. 
In order to smooth the contribution from film warp, 
at least two photographs of the test field are used 
when calibrating small-frame non-metric cameras. 
The radial distortion is described by the standard 
three parameter polynomial in third, fifth, and se- 
venth degree. Tangential distortion is ignored. RMS 
of residuals between 3 and 5 microns are obtained for 
35 mm mirror-reflex cameras such as the Olympus 
OM1 or Minolta SRT101 with good quality wide ang- 
le lenses and between 5 and 8 microns for 70 mm ca- 
meras such as the Hasselblad SWC with a 40 mm 
lens. The higher residuals of the 70 mm cameras are 
probably due to the larger influence of film warp, but 
the subject has not been researched. 
Bundle block adjustments using a calibrated non-me- 
tric camera and natural tie-points typically give RMS 
residuals of 6 micron on tie points for 35 mm and 10 
micron for 70 mm photographs. 
Metric small-frame cameras such as the Hasselblad 
MKWE or Rolleimetric 6006 have been used as well. 
The reseau glass plate built into these cameras facili- 
tates the inner orientation measurements and highly 
improves the accuracy with which the principal point 
may be defined. On the other hand, the image is not 
as sharp as with a good quality ordinary camera, and 
the small-frame metric cameras do not give signifi- 
cantly better accuracies. 
In geological projects, sharpness of image is very im- 
portant in order to provide optimal interpretation 
conditions. In fact, the photograph scale is often de- 
termined more by considerations of resolution and 
sharpness than by requirements of accuracy. This 
means that any marginal accuracy gained by using 
metric cameras is insignificant in geological projects. 
The advantages of the metric hand-held cameras, 
that is, the reseau glass plate and a somewhat higher 
accuracy very seldom make up for the disadvantages 
of a much higher price and an inferior image sharp- 
The use of small-frame non-metric cameras is especi- 
ally relevant in geological mapping. Field geologists 
always carry a quality 35 mm or 70 mm camera for 
documentation of outcrops, and it is a big advantage 
that the same camera may be used for photogramme- 
tric purposes. Furthermore, steep mountain sides are 
often photographed out of the open window of a heli- 
copter or a light aeroplane; for this operation, a light- 
sent, handy and easy-to-operate camera is requi- 
Fig. 1. Near vertical cliff of Precambrian rocks about 
1000 meters high at the north coast of Nuussuaq in 
central West Greenland. 
Since the spring of 1990, when the multi-model proto- 
type was ready, a series of geological mapping experi- 
ments has been carried out. In Greenland, the small- 
format photographs are used in combination with 
vertical aerial photographs. Geological exposures on 
steep and otherwise inaccessible mountain sides are 
photographed by the field geologist from a helicopter 
during reconnaissance and camp shift flights. The 
photograph scale varies between 1:3 000 and 1: 200 
000 according to the aim of the project. The lens is fo- 
cused at infinity, and photographs are taken in strips 
with an overlap of 70 % to 80 %. The relatively large 
overlap ensures stereoscopic coverage on each side of 
cliffs and gullies along the mountain side. 64 ASA 
Kodachrome films for colour slides are used, because 
they have a good resolution and a long term stability. 
Preexisting aerial photographs are available in Gre- 
enland from the National Survey and Cadastre in Co- 
penhagen. Many areas are covered by several series 
of vertical aerial photographs in scales varying bet- 
ween 1:40 000 and 1:150 000. Even old oblique photo- 
graphs from the 1940s and 50s are still available. A 
new series of 1:150 000 super wide angle photographs 
has been aerotriangulated by the National Survey 
and Cadastre and the Geological Survey of Green- 
land. By using these aerotriangulated photographs 
as basis for the orientation of multi-model blocks, 
the geologist is not required to survey control points 
in the field. On an average, one tie-point is measured 

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