Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Fig. 2. A template set where small-frame photographs (originals in colour) taken with a Hasselblad camera 
are mounted in holes cut out of stable film sheets. Alternating left and right photographs of the model pairs 
are mounted on the two templates. The photographs constitute two strips. The top eleven photographs (five on 
the left template and six on the right) form a strip of ten stereoscopic models on an approximate scale of 1:175 
000. The remaining seven photographs form a separate strip of six models on a scale of appr. 1:40 000. The two 
strips form one multi-model block where the 1:40 000 models are a close-up of part of the 1:175 000 strip. The 
crosses marked with a needle in black ink spots at the template corners are fiducial marks. 
_| Archaean orthogneiss d Metagabbro, [—) ; ni ; 1 
with tectonic layering —] Anorthosite/leucogabbro mostiy mixed with gneiss | 7j Metabasite (?Proterozoic) |. /f] Glaciers and ice caps Quatemary cover 
: | SL ns 
ere E 
0 10 km 
Horizontal and vertical scale 1:200 000 
Fig. 3. Geological cross section compiled from the template set in fig. 2 and two similar sets. Reduced copy 
from Garde, 1992a. 

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