Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

1. 7) 
q. 9) 
n of 
The probability for this third kind of ambiguity is 
 C(n-7Dbfa 4. (n=) re? a 
Pacs = F T SF sno —— (En. 19) 
With (Eq. 8), (Eq. 9) and (Eq. 10) the probability of an 
unsolvable ambiguity in the method of intersection of 
epipolar lines becomes 
P, = Pan) tPa + Pac) 
4 - (n—1) -e b b 
= (n : ) £^ N1+ 212 + 212 : (Eq. 11) 
and the expectable numiber of remaining ambiguities 
4. (i?- n): e bi by 
a tz (Eq. 12) 
An optimum (i.e. a minimum number of remaining ambi- 
guities) is achieved with by; = by3 = bys, which means a 
configuration of the three projective centers in a equilateral 
triangle. Other than in a two camera model the number of 
ambiguities does not depend on the length of the epipolar 
lines (i.e. on the depth range in object space resp. the base- 
length) any longer. In total the number of ambiguities is 
being reduced by at least a factor of 10 (see table 1). 
2.2 Collinear arrangement of three 
The method of intersection of epipolar lines may be the 
most evident, but it is not the only way of exploiting a third 
camera. Using a different algorithm one can also work with 
three cameras which are arranged in a way that their projec- 
tive centers are lying on a straight line as shown in Figure 
8. In this case possible correspondences between the first 
and the second image have to be verified by a propagation 
into the third image. 
bi; bis 
Figure 8: Proceeding with three collinearly arranged cameras 
For all possible matches (1-2) a point in object space is 
being calculated 
C* bi 
X=Z: y= 0 (Eq. 13) 
Depending on an assumed maximum error £ of the parallax 
py the thus established point(s) will have an error mainly in 
depth; this leads to a reduced search space Za, Z4 in object 
C: by, c: b: Z 
3 p,-€£ C-b,-(Z-e) 
X231 15 
Z4 et eee ide 
Z Z max + Zmin 
C: bj, Cc: bi: Z 
7. = + 
4 np, +6 2-DatZ'E 
X bis 
X=, aZ nu 
2 s Z 4 Zinar™ Zin (Eq. 14) 
which is being imaged into image 3, where the length /;,3 
of the search window becomes 
= sr re 
1,23 =x 4 x 3 
A. b - X, 5 b13 — X3 
Za Z4 
eren. n 
n Zu Z4 
ut c: by Z Cb, 7 
= 2 € : 
(Eq. 15) 
This way one receives a short epipolar search area in image 
3 for all the candidates in image 2. If exactly one valid 
candidate is found in these search spaces the necessary and 
sufficient condition for a correct correspondence is 
A similar proceeding is used by Lotz/Fróschle (1990); they 
suggest a strongly asymmetric arrangement of cameras as 
shown in Figure 9 to reduce the probability of occurence of 
Figure 9: asymmetric camera arrangement (Lotz/Fróschle, 1990) 

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