Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

There are three major sources of noise in conventional 
digital X-rays. The main source of noise is the so-called 
secondary radiation which is nothing more than reflected 
X-rays which reach the film from all directions. These 
unwanted X-rays tend to reduce the contrast quality of the 
image. Radiologists have solved the problem by 
developing a specially designed grid plate made of lead. 
The grid plate absorbs most of the scattered secondary X- 
ray and produces an radiograph within the acceptable level 
of noise (figure 1). This technique is the most popular 
method used in almost all traditional X-ray machines. 
Another source of noise is film development and film 
handling, although the procedure is fully automated roughly 
10 to 15% of the processed X-rays are poorly developed. 
Image with poor contrast quality whether over or under- 
exposed, is usually labeled as a rejected image. All rejected 
images are thrown away and the X-ray must be retaken. 
Rejected pictures make up 20% of the total number of X- 
rays taken per year (Jassam, 1992). The rejected pictures 
cost hospitals millions of dollars per year and expose the 
patient to unnecessary radiation. 
With advancing computer technology and increasing 
public concern with both the radiation level and insurance 
costs, the need to transfer from pictorial to digital X-rays is 
growing rapidly. This transformation will introduce 
additional sources of noise both geometrically and 
radiometrically. The unblocked secondary radiation, poor 
film developing and handling, and the digitization process 
introduces noise into the digital X-ray. The noise to signal 
ratio is relatively high in the case of rejected images and 
within an acceptable limit otherwise. Image processing 
techniques proved to be effective in minimizing the number 
of rejected pictures (Jassam, 1992). To maximize the 
amount of information extracted from the X-ray images 
and to increase their visual quality, the noise has to be 
suppressed. Low-pass filters are often used in image 
processing to remove random noise from a digital image. 
Unfortunately, as noise is removed from an image, details 
in the image are also lost. The goal of removing noise in an 
image is therefore to strike a balance between noise and 
detail which is appropriate for the application at hand. 
To determine this balance between noise and detail, the 
user applies a variety of low-pass filters, of various sizes, to 
the image and then compares the results. This comparison 
can either be quantitative; employing statistical analysis 
techniques, or qualitative; examining the physical 
appearance of the image. Both the statistical and physical 
results of applying low-pass filters to an X-ray image in the 
spatial and frequency domains, using Intergraph 
Corporation's Imager software (TIGRIS 1988), are 
y secondary 
ve X \ X table radiation 
Figure 1. secondary radiation reach the film, 
are the main source of noise. 
In the process of generating a digital image, many Sources 
of error are encountered. These include errors in acquiring 
the data, errors in digitizing the data, and errors in 
transmitting the data. As a result of these errors, digital 
images often contain individual pixels which vary abruptly 
in intensity from their neighboring pixels and which do not 
reflect the scene they represent. These pixels are referred to 
as random noise (Richards, 1986). To remove noise, low- 
pass (smoothing) filters are applied to the image. It is 
important to note that noisy pixels are like edges and lines 
in that they stand out from their neighbors, and because of 
this similarity, removing noise in an image also results in 
removing, or at least blurring, edges and lines. 
Filters can be applied in the spatial or the frequency 
domain. In the spatial domain, the values of the pixels in 
the resulting image depend directly upon their original 
values and the values of their original neighboring pixels. 
In the frequency domain, the resulting pixel values depend 
on the horizontal and vertical frequency components in the 
original image and not directly on individual pixel values 
(Richards, 1986). However, in both domains, low-pass 
filters serve to reduce the contrast amongst neighboring 
pixels, and since noisy pixels are pixels whose intensities 
vary abruptly from the intensities of neighboring pixels, 
applying low-pass filters reduces the amount of contrast 
and therefore the amount of noise in the image. 
Spatial domain 
To filter an image in the spatial domain, a kernel is moved 
over the rows and the columns of the image and the value 
of the pixel located in the center of the kernel is replaced by 
the sum of the products of the kernel elements and the 
corresponding image pixel values (Richards, 1986). 
Mathematically, this can be expressed as follows: 
M N 
ax = X LO WM) ars 1 
where : 
g(x,y)is the image new brightness values, 
M is number of rows in the kernel, 
N is number of columns in the kernel, 
f(m,n) is the pixel brightness value addressed 
according to the kernel position, and 
t(m,n) is the kernel entry at that location. 
The low-pass filter provides a way of removing noise by 
changing the pixel value of a noisy pixel to the average 
value of its surrounding pixels. However, not all pixels 
whose brightness values differ from surrounding pixels 
represent noise. Therefore, low-pass filtering results in less 
detail in addition to less noise. The size of the kernel 
determines the number of pixel values used to calculate the 
replacement pixel value. Therefore, larger kernels use 
more pixel values in the averaging process and this results 
in smoother images. 
Other smoothing filters are the median, and the mode . 
The median filter functions similarly to the low-pass filter, 
however, the center pixel is replaced by the median value 
of the pixels covered by the filter. As a result the median 
filter is less likely to smooth edges. The mode filter also 
functions similarly to the low-pass filter, however, in this 
case the center pixel is replaced by the mode of the pixels 
covered by the filter.

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