Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

Number of pixels 
Number of pixels 
Figure 8. Spatial domain median filter 3*3 
0 10 20 30 40 
Gray level 
Figure 9. Histogram spatial domain 
3*3 median filter for image at 8. 
Figure 10. Spatial domian mode filter 3*3 
0 10 20 30 40 
Gray level. 
Figure 11. Histogram spatial domain 
3*3 mode filter for image at 10. 
Frequency domain 
Prior to applying filters in the frequency domain, the 
power spectrum must be computed and displayed. Fast 
Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to transfer the image from 
spatial to frequency domain. The power spectrum is a 
graphical display of the horizontal and vertical frequency 
components of the image. Mathematically, this can be 
expressed as follows: 
F(u,v) T T f Gc, y)expI- j2n(ux 4 vy)ldxdy seii 2 
f(x,y) = | | F(u,v)explj2n(ux +vy)ldudy ............. 3 
F(u,v) is the Fourier transformation of f(x,y). 
Equation 3 would transfer the image (f(x,y)) from the 
spatial to frequency domain and 4 inverse it back. 
Equations 3 and 4 are referred to as Fourier transformation 
pairs. Fourier transformation of real function is generally 
contain real and imaginary terms. R(u,v)is the real and 
I(u,v) is the imaginary term respectively. The |F(u,v)| and 
|F (uv)? are called Fourier spectrum, and power spectrum 
|F(u,v)| = [R*(u,v) + Pure 4 
P(u,v) 2 FQ v? 2 RAu,v) - Qv) s 5 
The discrete form of equation 2 and 3 are: 
] N-1N-1 
F(u,»») 2— X Y f(x,y)expl—j2n(ux+vy)/ N] ..6 
N x=0 y=0 
] N-1N-1 
jeu 5 5 YF(u,v)exp[j27(ux + vy)/ NT 7 
u=0 v=0 
where: all parameters are as previously defined. 
Figure 12 shows the Log power spectrum of the image in 
figure 2. In general, high spatial frequencies correspond to 
areas of changing intensity on the image, such as areas 
containing noise, while low frequency components 
correspond to areas of less varying, or uniform, intensity. 
Ideal low-pass filter with cut -off frequency radii ranged 
from 0.25 to 2.75 inches was applied. Histograms and 
their corresponding images were collected at all cut-off 
frequencies (figure 13, 14, 15, and 16,) 
Figure 12. Log power spectrum of the original image

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