Full text: XVIIth ISPRS Congress (Part B5)

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Next the vector x is replaced by x“) in the relations (18) 
and (19), and analogously the matrix Q by Q© in the rela- 
tions (26). 
The insertion of the constraints can follow a sequential 
form (Rossikopoulos and Fotiou, 1990) in which case the 
insertion of the k th constraint 
grx=d (30) 
where gT is the k th row of the matrix G, is as follows: The 
quantities € and q*(€) is computed 
6-gTX&-D— d- 5 (g, X7) - d (31) 
OO = gr QC Pg= 5) gr gs (0), (32) 
where x(-? is the r element of the vector x(-, g., g, are 
the elements r and s respectively of the vector g and (Q&- 
D), is the element of the r th row and the s th column of 
the matrix QV, This matrices x&-1 and Q& 1 are the 
solution of the normal equations with the previous k-1 
constraints. When k is the first constraint to be introduced 
then the matrices are the x and Q. 
Next the coordinate X(9 in the vector X(? is computed by 
BD DO ke 33) 
and each elements (Q®); of the matrix Q® by 
. fe 1 = fi Ai. 
(Q0, - (0-5. — 26 2 (gr (QED), Ys QE Dy) | 
The range of all the above summations refer only to those 
coordinates of the control points which are included in the 
2.5 About combined adjustment 
In case we have surveying measurements (angles, distan- 
ces) we can use them into a combined surveying-pho- 
togrammetric adjustment. Generally the inclusion of surv- 
eying measurements into the bundle adjustment is straight- 
forward and one has only to consider the updating of the 
matrices N and ü of eq. (9). 
A word of caution is however important here concerning 
the relationship between the weights of measurements of 
photo coordinates and those of surveying measurements. 
This is a typical variance component estimation problem 
well documented in the literature (eg. Kubik, 1967, 
Fórstner, 1979, Schaffrin, 1983, Rao and Kleffe, 1988, 
Dermanis and Rossikopoulos, 1991, Dermanis and Fotiou, 
During the adjustment of the measurements a number of 
statistical testing is applied. These tests are applied both 
for the evaluation of the imposed geometrical constraints 
and the additional parameters. It is well known that in the 
first case non-compatible constraints can lead to 
divergence of the solution, while in the second high 
correlation between additional parameters or between 
those and e.o. parameters can lead to ill-conditioned 
systems of normals. 
These tests of course are besides the usual blunder dete- 
ction module (Dermanis, 1990) which is included in SNAP. 
3.1 Test of constraints 
Testing of the compatibility of the imposed geometrical 
constraints can be done both globally and one-by-one as 
Global testing of constraints. This test is based on the 
S od seen. 
_(Gx 4) (GQG) (Gx d p (35) 
F q o2 ^ qDF 
where q is the number of constraints, and the quantities Q 
and 02 are coming from the solution without constraints. 
In case this test fails (meaning that at least one constraint 
is incompatible) one should perform a test for each 
imposed constraint sequentially. Besides eq. 35, alternative 
formulas can be used (see eg. Dermanis, 1986). 
Sequential testing of constraints. This test follows the 
general data snooping strategy. That is the testing of the 
k th constraint gT x = d is based on equation 
e2 Qo 
"Eq hw em 
where the quantities € 2 gT x&-D— d, qX(€) 2 gT Q€-D g, 
0? and DF have been computed from the solution with the 
previous k-1 constraints. 
In order for the two tests (eqs. 35, 36) to be equivalent the 
respective significance levels a and ao should be chosen 
appropriately, according to Baarda's reliability theory 
(Baarda, 1967). 
3.2 Test of additional parameters 
Let y, is the group of additional parameters of the i th 
photograph, that we are currently testing. These parame- 
ters are non-significant if: 
AT Ql A 
Yi Q5 Yı a 
"ue Sf (37) 
where Q55; is the submatrix of Q5. 
If a single additional parameter y; of i th photograph is to 
be tested, then the statistic used is: 
Ez ua dT sS Fer 
0? qX(yj : 

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